First the bad news…
2xx listeners and audio file downloaders will have to live without my dulcet tones this Friday. Marianne is holidaying at a secret sun-kissed locale and her replacement has shown no interest in giving up his precious airtime to the likes of us. If it’s something you feel strongly about then by all means let 2xx know, otherwise I get to start drinking earlier tomorrow and my weekend will not include audio editing (not a big job I know but it still takes time). Back next week as far as I know.
Now for the good news…
We’re going to be on ABC Stateline this Friday night. Unfortunately it’s a bit male-skewed as female rioters with an interest in politics and a willingness to go on camera were a bit hard to identify in advance.
Anyway, 7.30pm, ABC, and we’ll make a point of recording it and YouTubing it for those of you enjoying your Friday night drinking. (Unless I come across like a tit, or they get my name wrong in a super, in which case we shall forget the whole thing ever happened.)