This Saturday 25 March, prolific Australian author, Valerie Parv AM will be in Canberra for one day only to share her craft with aspiring authors.
Valerie is best known for her work as a romance writer including for Mills & Boon. She has written more than fifty novels and published in 29 countries with over 34 million copies sold worldwide.
This is a rare opportunity for fiction writers of any genre to meet and work with this award-winning author during a one-day workshop presented by the ACT Writers Centre.
All attendees are encouraged to bring a sample of their work.
Bookings are essential for the intimate day of writing: actwriters.org.au/whats-on
Time and date: 10am-4pm, Saturday 25 March
Location: ACT Writers Centre, E Block, Gorman Arts Centre, Ainslie
Cost: Various (concessions are available)