Want a break from the kids this school holidays?
Want your child to have fun whilst gaining self-confidence and performance skills?
Want an excuse to pop into the Canberra Centre for a few hours?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then Impro ACT’s school holiday workshops might be just right for you.
Impro ACT is offering fun acting and improvisation courses for school students aged between 10 and 16 years of age this school holidays from Monday 18 April to Thursday 21 April. These workshops are a great way for students to learn performance and communication skills, improve their self-confidence and be able to think on their feet.
Date: Monday 18 April – Thursday 21 April
Time: 10-13 year olds – 9am-12noon, 14-16 year olds – 1pm-5pm
Location: Suite 301, 20 Allara St, Civic
Cost: $120 per student for the week
For further information or to book in your child please conatc Cathy Hagarty on 0438096373 or getgood@impro.com.au