Simon Corbell has announced progress in his plans for a Chisholm park:
A vacant block in Chisholm, previously earmarked for development, has moved one step closer to becoming a park today following a move to change the land’s zoning.
“Draft variation 326 to the Territory Plan proposes to rezone Chisholm section 590 from CZ4 Local Centre zone to PRZ1 Urban Open Space,” Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell, said.
Chisholm section 590 is on the corner of Deamer Crescent and Heagney Crescent, Chisholm.
The community’s wish to see the land turned into a park goes back to the establishment of the suburb in the 1980s when the land wasn’t developed and a small play area was constructed on the site.
Following a proposal to subdivide the land in 2011, strong community support for the retention of the site as public open space prompted the Government to start a process to formally recognise the site as a park.
The government made a commitment in July 2012 that this block would not be sold for development, but would instead be retained as a park for the local community.
While parkland is an appropriate use for the current zoning the government has recently been approached to officially name the park the Caroline Chisholm Park.
“This variation is an important step that, if approved, will give proper status to this popular area of open space which could then be formally named Caroline Chisholm Park,” Mr Corbell said.