Apparently Stanhope hosted his own forum of 300 ‘experts’ to discuss all things 2020 over the weekend. If anything, it presented a crystal ball gaze into events upcoming in Canberra over the weekend of April 19-20.
Andrew Leigh, a participant, presents his summary of the vapid ideas from Stanhope’s naval gaze with the anointed 300. It is Canberra of course, so you can expect the following, halfwit, quasi-Stalinist, ideas to be spawned:
Sign a treaty between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Employ an arts practitioner in every workplace.
Define creative arts funding as a share of GDP.
Mandate superannuation to invest in venture capital.
Develop the concept of a ‘wellness footprint’ and associated metrics through a central body.
Promote wellness through all stages of life.
Raise public transport participation rates from 7% to 50%.
Create ‘super regions’ (pop about 1 million).
Equitable education and training.
Recognise the importance of teachers.
Redesign and reconceptualise schooling in the ACT.
Canberra as a global city.
We can expect all this and more at Ruddorama, plus photos with vacuous celebrities, and the resurrection of every bad leftist policy ever imagined, and the birth of some new ones, like
Louse Adler’s suggestion to place a tax on all movie ticket sales. This is so the proles can subsidise the lifestyle of the pretentious and the great unwashed of the arts community, who can’t earn a living off the public teat.
More expert commentary over at Andrew Bolt.