RiotACT favourite, Markus Mannheim was back in the Canberra Times rehashing the strange death of Daniel Beck in a Symonston Caravan Park on Boxing Day 2003.
It’s an odd approach in a case like this, to take the mother of the deceased’s version of events seemingly at face value, especially with lines like this:
DANIEL Beck, 27, was sitting with his mother, Deborah Wirth, outside his caravan home in Fyshwick when a neighbour walked past.
She clearly remembers the moment, now sharply etched by hindsight.
“Daniel turned and told me, ‘I don’t like that bloke …’,” she recalled this week.
Ms. Wirth has lost her son in tragic circumstances, I’d expect her to take carry her grief all the rest of her days. Should it be on the front page of the Canberra Times though?