As noted last October the Responsible Service of Alcohol course is a farcical exercise of minimal value.
But even that’s a bit much to organise it seems.
We’ve come into the possession of a letter from the Commissioner for Fair Trading to the Liquor Industry Association Representatives pushing the RSA requirement date out another six months.
The commencement of the offence for failing to hold a RSA certificate was delayed twelve months from commencement of the Act to allow the industry time to develop the course content and to deliver it to in excess of an estimated 5,000 people working in the liquor industry and 500 licensees.
In response to industry concerns regarding the timeframe in which the RSA training will need to be obtained, the Attorney General has agreed to a further six month extension to the deadline by which RSA training must be completed. This will mean that all licensees (excluding influential persons of a corporation who do not supply liquor on the premises), all employees supplying liquor, and crowd controllers working at licensed premises will have until 1 June 2012 to complete an RSA course conducted by an ACT approved Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
Individuals who hold a RSA certificate issued after 1 December 2009 in any jurisdiction (including the ACT with an unapproved RTO) still have until 1 December 2012 to complete an ACT approved RSA course (which can be a refresher course).
I have recently written to all licensees within the ACT to notify them of the changed provisions and to inform them that should they wish to commence RSA training there are now RTOs approved for the ACT. As such, you may begin to receive enquiries from your members.