Joy Burch has announced that the ACT now has a “Swimming Pool and Water Park Based Aquatic Activities policy”.
Ms Burch said the revised policy struck a balance to allow these events to take place in a fun, relaxed environment, while also making sure that all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure student safety.
“The policy and procedures have been developed in collaboration with the RLSSACT and in consultation with schools, industry representatives, ACT Sport and other stakeholders engaged in aquatic education,” Ms Burch said.
“Going to the pool and swimming with your friends is one of the great things about growing up in Canberra, and we want to help schools provide opportunities for students to take part in those activities.
Ms Burch said she asked the Directorate to revisit the policy and work with stakeholders, including the RLSSACT following concerns about ambiguity in the policy, particularly around requirements for school swimming carnivals (which are classified as structured activities).
“The revised policy provides clarity for school leaders by clearly detailing planning responsibilities, and specifying that the Survival Challenge Proficiency Test is now only required for unstructured activities.”
If you’re feeling keen the policy documents are here and here.
UPDATE 07/02/13 13:58: Joy Burch’s office have sent out finalised policy documents here and here.