Tabloid current affairs and half hourly light entertainment show, Today Tonight, took it upon themselves to stalk a number of politicians around town on Wednesday night. Following the end of Parliament, a number of politicians were out celebrating before they head back to their electorates for the winter recess. Today Tonight had an axe to grind because while the pollies are wining and dining, their Comcar drivers sit in the street waiting for them, sometimes for a number of hours.
Our poor unsuspecting Comcar drivers were quite startled as the TT journalist went rapping on their car windows asking them who they were driving for, and how long they had been waiting. All of them did a good job at not answering any questions (who needs expensive media training?). Unsatisfied, our TT journalist proceeded to badger various MPs as they left their Kingston restaurants, asking them why they couldn’t catch a taxi, and if pollies are getting too many perks.
No transcript is available, but you can have your two bob’s worth, along with thousands of other ‘outraged’ Aussies, at the Today Tonight website.