A site has been set aside for a potential fertility control trial of up to 500 kangaroos.
The culling of over 1,600 Eastern Grey Kangaroos across eight nature reserves was set to begin last week, but was postponed when Animal Liberation lodged a challenge in the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) arguing there is no scientific evidence to prove the cull helps the environment.
A hearing is being held today to decide whether the cull should proceed.
Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shayne Rattenbury has excluded one site from the cull program to allow for a project proposal to be developed for fertility control.
“Gungaderra Nature Reserve has been selected due to its relative lack of permeability, (i.e. it is relatively land-locked by major roads) which will allow greater accuracy in determining the effectiveness of the project.
“The ACT Government has received an outline for a trial fertility control project. The proposal will still need to undergo relevant government approvals before it can go ahead.”
(Media Release Shane Rattenbury MLA)