For the most part, I couldn’t care less about magazines, much less ones in Canberra, and the rubbish attempts at them here are usually a joke, but for some reason the last year has seen rise to few magazines.
I read Frankie and Yen, and at least have an understanding of what looks good, but I’m not exactly sure what the aim of twenty 600 and the team of social retards behind it is?
Who gives a toss; about stories of yourselves and what you’ve done? Fictitious stories including your wildest fantasies and perceptions of yourselves leaves me wondering what the hell this is actually about? For me to want to read about you, you’d have to have done something significant, or be attempting to.
Writing a magazine aimed at feeding your ego, by giving yourself a title because you’re too talentless to achieve one, is the farthest thing from exciting or interesting.
This self indulgent drivel, is barely worthy of a blog, let along the paper you print it on, and joking about jerking off your mate, when the editor would actually consider it… leaves a salty taste in the mouth. Oh, and my god, it is the worst design, layout and attempt at anything creative this city has ever seen, you’re worse than Capital Magazine or Shitty News, at least I open those to check out the social pages—you’re a joke.
[ED – Perhaps readers would like to take this opportunity to share their thoughts on the Canberra street press / magazine scene?]