We have in the past been less than enthusiastic about Twitter Community Cabinets.
But the ACT Government is to be congratulated for finding a way to make it even more horrible.
They’re promoting the upcoming 12 June TwitCab and (here’s the evil genius part) are encouraging non twitter users to take a quick Library course on Twitter followed by immediately jumping in to a highly complex and confusing discussion with some of the most powerful people in the ACT.
It takes everyone some time to find their feet in online discussion, this seems positively cruel.
But it will certainly up the noise side of the signal to noise ratio. Just in case someone on Twitter has a difficult line of questioning lined up.
It strikes us that pointing people at information they could have googled for themselves is a poor use of the ACT Cabinet. But at least it will keep them out of trouble.
On the bright side it lets the Government cross “contact with the community” off their to do list without having to actually get amongst the unwashed and listen to them.
Could they create a perfect mirror of Labor’s consultation model if they tried?