Following the announcement that ANU would be dropping some entry scores, the University of Canberra has followed suit.
UC Vice Chancellor Roger Dean said the uni was under-enrolled by 400 places this year and they don’t want that to happen again next year, the ABC reports.
The UC administration will be looking at all its entry scores on a course-by-course basis and consider dropping some of them, such as business related ones, back down to 70.
Interestingly, he said, “We don’t want to under deliver the contract we have with DEST so we’re trying to accommodate a slightly broader range of people than we did before.” He also added some spin about how UC has always been about access.
PLUS The ANU Student Association is complaining in The Canberra Times that dropping course scores will create an underclass of students who can’t cope. Get real guys, they’re still not talking about dropping them anywhere below 75.