Calling all female adrenaline junkies in Canberra! Photos: Supplied.
Australians are an active bunch of people. Most of us love to try new things and would jump at the opportunity to explore the great outdoors – and get a good punch of adrenaline while we’re at it. Although staying fit is important to many, it may come as a surprise to know that women like to stay active more than men do, with statistics from 2017 revealing that sixty-one per cent of Australian women exercise at least three times a week, compared to 57 per cent of men. What is more, the ACT is leading the polls in being the most active jurisdiction in the country – definitely a title worth hanging on to.
If you are an adventurous Canberran woman searching for a group of like-minded females to team up with on your next thrill-seeking experience, then Women’s Adventure ACT will fit you better than the activewear you don for your daily run.
We are a volunteer-led group that run adventure activities for women of all ages, in the Canberra and surrounding regions.
We organise hikes and bushwalks ranging from the ‘I’ll walk when I’m fit Walk’, intermediate local walks, beginners overnight hiking through to multi-day hikes. We’ve been snow camping, abseiling, kayaking, tried fencing, done stand-up paddle-boarding, tried archery, done a women’s self-defence class, snowshoed, indoor bouldered, foraged for funghi as part of a citizen’s science project and walked up Mt Kosciuszko. Phew! We’ve done a lot.
Some of our future activities include an indigenous bushfoods walk, beginner’s mountain biking, indoor skiing, and lots more.
After some events, we have an optional coffee to share our experiences.

We charge a gold coin donation for our walks (only to cover the annual cost of the meet-up application), and for higher-risk activities or those that need expensive equipment (kayaking, abseiling for example). We use professional, experienced commercial operators and just pay the general public price. Sometimes providers will offer us a group discount. Our more remote or higher-risk walks are lead by volunteers with navigation experience and first-aid qualifications, and we carry a Personal Locator Beacons for added safety, when necessary.

We use the meet-up platform to arrange and manage our activities, but also have a Facebook Group where we post interesting articles about adventurous women, and other outdoor activities that women may be interested in or benefit from.
You can join our meet-up Group, Women’s Adventure ACT, here: https://www.meetup.com/Womens-Adventure-ACT/
And our Facebook closed Group of the same name (Women’s Adventure ACT), here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomensAdventureACT/
So, if you’re a woman in Canberra looking for a like-minded group of age-diverse, respectful, inclusive and welcoming women, please join! Many of our members are women who want to try these activities, but don’t have friends or partners that are interested in those things, and who don’t want to try them alone.
If you’re a bit hesitant about coming along because you don’t know anyone, just message the activity lead. We’ll make sure you are welcomed, introduced to others and feel included.
And lastly – if you’ve got some good ideas and activities you want to share, and/or are wanting to lead – we’ll help you step up.