Chief Minister Gallagher has announced improvements in the availability of General Practitioners:
ACT Chief Minister and Minister for Health Katy Gallagher MLA, and ACT Medicare Local Chair, Dr Rashmi Sharma, today released the ACT General Practitioner (GP) Workforce Scoping Study Report for 2013 which shows that the GP shortage has eased.
The survey was commissioned by the ACT Government to provide up to date information on the local GP Workforce following the implementation of a number of specific initiatives to assist the work of GPs and encourage more doctors to consider life as a GP.
“With 400 GPs in the ACT, we are now on par with the last recorded (2010-11) national average of 1 GP for every 893 people, demonstrating an easing of workforce pressures, which is good news for the Canberra community,” the Chief Minister said.
“It is particularly pleasing to note that 88% of practices report they are taking on new patients and GP numbers have increased overall in the Territory.