The ACT Government is conducting feasibility studies and undertaking design work to improve walking and cycling connections in Woden, Tuggeranong and Belconnen, and has added 30 new parking spaces to the Park & Ride facility at the Tuggeranong Bus Station.
There were already 58 spots at Tuggeranong but they were among the most highly used of all the 18 Park & Ride facilities around Canberra.
Minister for Territory and Municipal Services Shane Rattenbury said that Blue Rapid buses to the city serviced the Tuggeranong interchange every 15 minutes (or every 5 minutes during peak times).
“Registering for a Park and Ride permit is easy and free, all you need to do is have a certain amount of credit on your MyWay card with a automated direct debit and submit an online application form,” he said.
The new feasibility studies would look at connections from suburban West Belconnen to Belconnen Town Centre and the city among others.
“This work will be undertaken in line with the recommendations from the three town centre master plans that were recently developed in consultation with the local community and key stakeholder groups,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“The master plans found that clear, functional and safe path networks were needed to encourage more people to walk and cycle between key destinations within the town centres.”
He said the studies would look at options such as shared zones, upgraded paths and cycle ways in and around transport hubs, community services and parks and schools.
“They will also look at how we can make these areas easier and safer to get around by improving signage and lighting or providing more rest points,” he said.
The footpath connecting the Woden Town Centre and Canberra Hospital would be widened with pavement and signage upgrades better linking the two hubs.
The ACT Government committed $1.082 million in the 2015-16 ACT Budget for the completion of the feasibility studies and design and upgrade works.