Time for the annual scare campaign. Yes, vaccines are expensive so we gotta move some units out of the cold room chop chop! The more people think they are going to die, the sooner they will buy these drugs.
I align with my brother who is a registered nurse. Anyone of good health need only buy a container of orange juice, maybe some echinacea, and take a couple of good old Aussie sickies to overcome the flu. SARS only had such an affect where it did becuase the high populations in Asia mean everyone is constantly fighting off some sort of infection (well, at least, thats what he tells me). But it doesn’t stop the boffins from cashing in on and perpetuating the paranoia.
And hey this is Canberra, so like, it’s cold. So you’re more at risk. So you better buy more vaccine. Would it help if we said pretty please?
A marketing sham. That they can dress it up as a national emergency and have the news runners advertise for free is a bonus. I remember when I had my flu shots last, subsidised by the corporation and it made me sick for a week. I was not above taking all five of those working days and a good slice of the weekend at home. Great savings for the company there, but only in social and stress related stocks as I dish out as much curry to the management as I can.
So please, don’t run around like chicken little when the flu stories reach you. Just get plenty of good rest to be ready for it when it comes and eat lots of veges. This tardish hullabaloo need only be taken to nursing homes where people are already well behind the eight ball in terms of immune systems. Its all those kerosene baths you see.
And as always, all societies ills including the dreaded lurgy, find solution in The Hoff