In light of the new exhibition at the NGA and the good news from the War Memorial, the question must be asked:
In the case of a major loss to one of Canberra’s major cultural institutions, what is the Cth gov’t to do? Should they re-build in the case of the destruction of the venerated National Library?; should they replace in the case the (highly controversial, at the time) Blue Poles were to be lost? should a lost VC be re-bought in the case of damage?
To those currently employed in said institutions, a false pessimism might overcome you, but fear not; this is the perfect opportunity to canvass the local community’s appetite for replacement and/or further development of the current stock, in light of the tight fiscal budget in which we all operate.
Over to you Rioters, and please, no parallels to ACT arts projects please…
Pip pip,
Betram (always on your side) W. Wooster