After an all too brief (and successful) reproductive life, I’ve found myself with 3 little Kramers, and no desire to keep getting up in the night or buy a van. So rather than take any more risks and end up with an accident (I’d rather have my risks and accidents on a mountain bike), it’s about time we sort things out… permanently. Since my wife had to undergo all the pain and stress of pregnancy and childbirth we (she) figured it was only fair if I took one for the team on this front. So it looks like I’ll be getting a vasectomy before I’m even allowed to look at my wife sideways again.
Ideally, I’m looking for a place where I can stumble in after a bit of “dutch courage”, read a bit of the latest Australian Mountain Bike magazine while watching Top Gear, have a laser instantaneously and painlessly zap my vas deferens to kingdom come, and then stumble back to the pub to finish the round.
Back in 2007 RiotACT reported that vasectomies were unavailable in Canberra, so I’m optimistically hoping the situation has improved drastically since then – although the government would rather see us continue to procreate. The thought of anyone going anywhere near my “boys” with a scalpel or laser is very, very scary, so please let me know if you have any recommendations or warnings.