Are you more likely to vote for a candidate if you know they live in your electorate?
Surely they’ll have a better understanding of the issues that affect your suburb if they live nearby?
See which electorate your suburb is in here.
To be fair, in the case of out-of-electorate residents, it may be that the boundaries have changed and their suburb used to be part of one electorate but is now part of another. They may have lived for years in the relevant electorate but had to move out of it recently for work or personal reasons. They may live in a suburb immediately adjacent to the electorate. They may be planning to move to the electorate if elected but not prepared to uproot family on the offchance.
It’s interesting to note that the central seat of Kurrajong is the only electorate in which there are no out-of-electorate candidates, and that most of the candidates who are running out-of-electorate in the other seats live in Kurrajong.
We think voters should know in which electorate their candidates live, and be able to factor that into their voting decision if they believe it is relevant. The information is publicly available via the ACT Electoral Commission, but we have put together a chart to save you doing the research.
We’ve also put together a poll on the issue.

Candidate | Political party | Suburb | Electorate |
Ben Murphy | ACT Greens | Waramanga | Murrumbidgee |
Sarah O’Brien | Animal Justice Party | Narrabundah | Kurrajong |
Robyn Soxsmith | Animal Justice Party | Kambah | Murrumbidgee |
Timothy Friel | Like Canberra | Dickson | Kurrajong |
Monique Shepherd | Australian Sex Party ACT | Griffith | Kurrajong |
Matt Donnelly | Liberal Democrats | Waramanga | Murrumbidgee |
Jacob Gowor | Liberal Democrats | Canberra City | Kurrajong |
Vera Saragih | Liberal Democrats | Giralang | Yerrabi |
Matt Straschko | Liberal Democrats | Giralang | Yerrabi |
Melissa Kemp | Sustainable Australia | Higgins | Ginninderra |
Candidate | Political party | Suburb | Electorate |
Denise Fisher | Canberra Liberals | Red Hill | Kurrajong |
Indra Esguerra | ACT Greens | Undisclosed | Kurrajong |
Jason Chappel | ACT Greens | Turner | Kurrajong |
Richard Merzian | ACT Greens | Watson | Kurrajong |
Richard Harriss | Like Canberra | Forde | Yerrabi |
Sam Huggins | Like Canberra | Watson | Kurrajong |
Mick Kaye | Canberra Community Voters | Kambah | Murrumbidgee |
Geoff Kettle | Canberra Community Voters | Braddon | Kurrajong |
Gilbert Reilly | Canberra Community Voters | Giralang | Yerrabi |
Lea Zangl | Independent | Kaleen | Yerrabi |
Candidate | Political party | Suburb | Electorate |
Mark O’Connor | Sustainable Australia | O’Connor | Kurrajong |
Nancy-Louise Scherger | The Community Alliance Party | Red Hill | Kurrajong |
Fergus Brown | Liberal Democrats | Acton | Kurrajong |
Brendan Cumpston | Liberal Democrats | Wanniassa | Brindabella |
Roman Gowor | Liberal Democrats | Macquarie | Ginninderra |
Tom Hamer | Liberal Democrats | Braddon | Kurrajong |
Alexander Klinkon | Liberal Democrats | Crace | Yerrabi |
Candidate | Political party | Suburb | Electorate |
Amanda Lynch | Canberra Liberals | Red Hill | Kurrajong |
Veronica Wensing | ACT Greens | Watson | Kurrajong |
Tim Bohm | Like Canberra | Watson | Kurrajong |
Casey Heffernan | Like Canberra | Campbell | Kurrajong |
Susie Kennett | Australian Sex Party | Scullin | Ginninderra |
Declan Keating | Liberal Democrats | Lyneham | Kurrajong |
Mandy Cottinham | Animal Justice Party | Farrer | Murrumbidgee |
Daniel Evans | Independent | Holt | Ginninderra |