25 September 2008

WholeSelf Living Workshop this weekend

| chrisurfer
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The WholeSelf Program – Stage 1 Foundation Workshop 27-28 September 2008

“When you value, nurture and care for your WholeSelf you naturally enrich everyone and everything around you.” – Kathleen Earle

Grow your whole experience of life with our WholeSelf Living Program.

By nurturing your WholeSelf wisdom (mind, body, spirit), you create a more ecological lifestyle, deepen your kinship with yourself, the earth and others and reveal the path to recognise, realise and actualise your potential.

This foundational first step in the WholeSelf Program is for everyone who works with people. Learn how to care for yourself whilst caring for others. The inherent wisdom in this course has easy practical applications for your personal and family life, in your workplace, business, school and community. It is an essential ingredient in people-to-people work for practitioners, health and community services, business and organisations, team environments, personal coaching, wellbeing, counselling and management roles.

Workshop Content:
The Language of Life
Holistic selfcare
WholeSelf process & meditation
Overview of WholeSelf applications
WholeSelf healing and WholeSelf learning
Walk in nature
I, WE US – co-creating and living in an EcoSocial world
Practical exercises to apply in your daily life

Teacher: Kathleen Earle

Dates: 27th and 28th September 2008
Times: 9:30 am til 5:00 pm

Venue: Canberra – venue details will be announced before the event.

Price: Special member’s rate open to everyone $250 (includes GST). Non-members’ Rate normally $575.
Lunch, morning and afternoon tea and course manual are included.

The course is open to 10 participants.

To learn more, register and pay online, visit

This workshop is brought to you by the Custodians Garden, the Home of EcoSocial Living.

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“Donโ€™t forget to respect your fellow woman, and donโ€™t assume that I am a man.”

Did anyone else see that coming?

Choke on your ill-gotten gains, huckster.

Wonderful to see we are walking the same path and working on the same outcome. We all win together.
See you out there in this wonderful life!
Thanks for taking the time. Much appreciated.

Don’t forget to respect your fellow woman, and don’t assume that I am a man.

peace, lentils, cheesecloth, and love!

Thankyou smug, passive-aggressive one. Iโ€™ll substitute โ€œhippyโ€ for โ€œshysterโ€ if youโ€™d prefer.

Iโ€™m sure you think that some folk stand to benefit from this kind of tosh, but all I see is the parting of $2500 from a decad of gullible people lacking either any faith in themselves or a modicum of self-awareness.

Youโ€™ll get the same thing quicker from the following:

1. Drive your car less. Grow some veggies. Walk places. Think about where that meal you just ate came from.
2. Show your fellow man some respect, damnit.
3. Take some time to look after yourself.

Cheaper; not to mention two fewer days spent in the company of a cheesecloth-wearer.

Hey, but if thatโ€™s what you want to spend your beans on, it ainโ€™t for me to stop you. Go nuts. Just remember that a course is very unlikely to teach you anything; but life might.

Thanks Mr_Shab,
Glad to know I am perceived as a hippy – quite a compliment. No need for apology or resistance, it’s healthy to have some humour about living and learning at long last and a joy to find it here. That’s the box we all love being in – the laughing box.

I’m really glad you enjoyed your last course in navel gazing, and even happier that you enjoyed the last time you came to this workshop. We achieved one great outcome with you and that is you know where to look for your navel, and that you are happy to share the simplicity of what this course is about working out ourself and being aware of what that working is with each other – however not everyone is aware of their simple wisdom and how to work it out for themselves – hence the purpose of awakening that ability in everyone, and this course hippy or not.

Thank you wise one!

“What box do whole humans as a species fit in learned and wise ones?”

Back in yours, hippy.

(…sorry…couldn’t resist)

Do we really need another course in navel gazing? Couldn’t a reasonable person just work this kind of thing out for themselves? Be aware of your actions and the effect they have on others?

Hmm I guess my pleasure in eating kangaroo makes me the red end of the green neanderthalsis. How wonderful to have so many little boxes to put each other in. Here on RiotAct we can stand on said boxes and put each other inside ones of our choosing. What freedom!

What box do whole humans as a species fit in learned and wise ones?

come to the workshop and find out!

neanderthalsis said :

That’s an alto-lacto-vegan peterh. There’s a sliding scale of weirdness, from those who call themselves vegitarian but really just don’t eat red meat, to the hardcore fruitarians who only eat stuff that has fallen from trees.

so what happens if a bird or koala falls out of a tree?


Vegans tend to be tough, lean and flatulent. I suspect a curry would be the only sensible option; preferably with lots of garlic to further inflame our senses.

Then it’s lager ’til closing.

neanderthalsis1:44 pm 25 Sep 08

That’s an alto-lacto-vegan peterh. There’s a sliding scale of weirdness, from those who call themselves vegitarian but really just don’t eat red meat, to the hardcore fruitarians who only eat stuff that has fallen from trees.

Woody Mann-Caruso1:33 pm 25 Sep 08

Iโ€™m guessing lunch will be Vegan.

How will the vegan be prepared? Will we have its liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti?

neanderthalsis said :

And Chris, veganism is where a person refuses to eat meat therefore eliminating the bodies natural sense of humour. It has some nasty side effects, like causing the individual to wear tie-died clothes, mumble about chakras and eat lots of lentils.

you forgot the inevitable side affect of too many lentils…

with room clearing results.

I thought vegans abstained from both meat and animal products like eggs, milk, etc?

neanderthalsis1:03 pm 25 Sep 08

And Chris, veganism is where a person refuses to eat meat therefore eliminating the bodies natural sense of humour. It has some nasty side effects, like causing the individual to wear tie-died clothes, mumble about chakras and eat lots of lentils.

neanderthalsis1:00 pm 25 Sep 08

I’m quite interested in this eco-social concept; is green the new red?

What is vegan?

I’m guessing lunch will be Vegan.

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