31 May 2012

Why learn Japanese when you can eat lobster tempura?

| johnboy
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The University of Canberra has announced the nature of their long anticipated revamp of Japanese teaching:

The University of Canberra will continue to offer its undergraduate Japanese language major, subject to putting in place a number of strategies for the teaching staff and the Faculty of Arts and Design to increase enrolments.

Significant changes will be made to the curriculum, including shifting the balance away from ‘pure’ language teaching and towards Japanese culture. Advanced students will enrol directly into Japanese 2A and undertake Special Studies in Language.

The decision follows a review into the financial viability of the Japanese major, which was trigged by a continuing pattern of low enrolments and high attrition rates. This has been occurring for a number of years and mirrors a pattern of reduced enrolments in Japanese language across the sector.

The review found that the program is currently unviable and recommended that the University accept an offer from the Japan Foundation to help fund the program.

Probably a good move. There’s a lot of worthwhile things to learn about Japan before hitting the language hurdle.

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