Packed up the wife and kids for what we thought would be a fun morning at the winter wonderland. Of course it was freezing…which we expected that…but why? There was nothing worth keeping cold! The “snow” part of WW consisted of a pathetic little dribble that spurted out of the roof near the entry for half-a-second in every five minutes. The snow balls was some slushy ice somebody’s scrapped off the side of their freezer for the kids to throw at snow man cut out. My five year old gave up in disgust after three throws.
We can’t figure out why we were charged entry at all. Milo the Clown was the only decent thing as far as the kids were concerned, but $16 to see him is a bit much. Everything else you had to pay for. The toboggan slide was a sad sad joke.
Basically we paid our money to put up with dis-interested carnies and a morning in a freezer. It might have been a noble idea to get something happening in Canberra for winter – but it was a dud! Dodging the idiots on dirt bikes and heading back up to the little bit of snow at Bulls Head makes a lot more sense.
(ps – even the dedicated link to the “winter wonderland” from is dead…no shock really)
good luck keeping the kids amused for week 2 of the holidays!
[ED (Ntp) – links all work fine for me…]