Simon Corbell is rather chuffed by the Federales coughing up for endangered woodlands in the ACT:
Restoration projects for endangered woodlands in the ACT have received a significant boost from an Australian Government grant worth $2.155m Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell, said today.
“The funds from the Commonwealth Biodiversity Fund will be used over the next five years to restore woodlands across an area of 60,000 hectares of nationally significant woodlands in the ACT and nearby NSW,” Mr Corbell said.
“Despite extensive historical clearing across Australia, the ACT still has a third of its original yellow box– red gum grassy woodland, which is a critically endangered ecological community.
“Overall, our remaining woodlands are some of the biggest, most botanically diverse examples of their type in Australia.
This project, ‘Restore ACT and Greater Goorooyarroo Woodlands’, will help manage these woodlands, recover damaged woodlands from overgrazing, weed invasion and changed fire regimes, and consolidate and connect remaining yellow box–red gum grassy woodland landscape in the Capital region.
Mr Corbell said ecosystems did not stop at the territory border and part of this project would work collaboratively with NSW on land across the border in Greater Goorooyarroo.