The Greens’ Amanda Bresnan is letting us all know that she’s succeeded in getting the Workplace Privacy Bill 2010 through the Legislative Assembly:
“Under this legislation, employers are required to tell employees what kind of surveillance they are under, what the surveillance is for and are not able to use or disclose surveillance records for unrelated purposes,” Ms Bresnan said.
“This legislation provides a framework for legal surveillance of workers by the majority of responsible employers, while providing protection for workers against unreasonable invasions of privacy at work by the few employers who do not respect their workers privacy rights.”
“This Bill will immediately prohibit surveillance of areas with high expectations of privacy, such as bathrooms, change rooms and prayer rooms.”
“After a 6 month transition period, the Bill will require employers to notify their employees of what surveillance is being conducted in the workplace and for what purpose.”
“Also after 6 months, covert surveillance of workers will only be able to take place after an application to the Magistrates Court that can show reasonable suspicion that unlawful activity has taken place. The surveillance will then be conducted by an independent surveillance supervisor to protect the privacy of workers.