12 September 2010

You're an Idiot

| LlamaFrog
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roadside signage

Is this the greatest government advertising? I believe it might be.

To be found when driving on Belconnen Way from Civic to Belconnen. I realise that the sign changes from day to day, so you need to be lucky to be called an idiot, otherwise you will see such great rhymes as “Pick up your phone, Pick up a fine…”

Just consider the layers of government that “You’re an Idiot” had to go through before it was allowed to be seen on the side of the road.

I would like to suggest another sign “Use a Bluetooth headset, You’re a special kind of stupid” but might be to long.

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screaming banshee said :

Just for kicks sometimes I flash my headlights at people that look like they are going fast when I know there isn’t a speed camera. Fantasic entertainment seeing the brake lights come on in the rearview.


If it slows speeders down, who cares if it’s legal.

screaming banshee said :

They should all say “Speed camera ahead”, that should slow people down.

What I would love to see is a device that sticks a bollard up in the middle of the road when some wanker is flashing their lights after passing a speed camera. Or the police could sit down the road in an unmarked waiting for people to do it…it is illegal.

Could you please enlighten us as to where it is stated that it’s illegal?

bigred said :

I suggest everyone try to listen to super Mark Colbran on ABC 666 on Thursday arvo when he takes calls from people about the road rules, and he tries to put the plod view of the world. If brve, try ringing in and complaining about stuff – he talks the talk at least and uses words such as “unacceptable” and “unbelievable” in describing the plods response to certain incidents. Not posted to Belco station are we Buzz (post #25)?

Since we’re now off topic, have you ever been brave enough to call him to have a dig? If so, what was your question and his response to your question?

I suggest everyone try to listen to super Mark Colbran on ABC 666 on Thursday arvo when he takes calls from people about the road rules, and he tries to put the plod view of the world. If brve, try ringing in and complaining about stuff – he talks the talk at least and uses words such as “unacceptable” and “unbelievable” in describing the plods response to certain incidents. Not posted to Belco station are we Buzz (post #25)?

The sign should read; ‘Speed, crash, cleanse the gene pool’

Devil_n_Disquiz said :


If people weren’t speeding, they would have no fear of points 1&2 that you raised.

So is the idea of speed cameras to make you drive slower, or to make money? Cause flashing your lights at people in warning serves one of these outcomes, and not flashing serves the other.

+1 vote for linking the message to a speed sensor, so it says, “have a nice day” to those doing the speed limit or less, and “slow down dickhead” to those going faster.

Saw this on the weekend, had a good laugh.

Two weeks ago the sign on the Monaro Highway was requesting me to “Honk if UR horny”. Unfortunately I was too busy talking on my phone at the time to use it to take a snap. By the time we got back from the snow it had changed back to something more mundane.

Devil_n_Disquiz2:42 pm 12 Sep 10


If people weren’t speeding, they would have no fear of points 1&2 that you raised.

Me thinks its not screaming banshee that’s the unthinking, self-righteous citizen. Its the other clowns that think they are above the law and get caught by these voluntary revenue raising devices.

Me no fry said :

I hope your “fantastic entertainment” doesn’t result in a nose to tail accident one day

Then the person behind was breaking the law by not following from an adequate distance (and going too fast if they were keeping up to the speeder), meaning both cars in such an accident were driving like dickheads.

screaming banshee said :

What I would love to see is a device that sticks a bollard up in the middle of the road when some wanker is flashing their lights after passing a speed camera. Or the police could sit down the road in an unmarked waiting for people to do it…it is illegal.

Another unthinking, self-righteous citizen. Fantastic!

Have you ever stopped to think that those people who do warn other motorists of an imminent $200 fine are providing two community services.

1. They are saving someone a nasty bill.

2. They remind people that they may in fact be speeding, and regardless of the intent, they will slow down. Speed camera has done its duty without a crippling fine.

Why do you think the police dept allow commercial radio stations and gps devices to inform people of the location of speed cameras? Becasue it works, it slows people down.

screaming banshee said :

Just for kicks sometimes I flash my headlights at people that look like they are going fast when I know there isn’t a speed camera. Fantasic entertainment seeing the brake lights come on in the rearview.

Presumably your inbuilt speed camera lets you know when people are going fast. I hope your “fantastic entertainment” doesn’t result in a nose to tail accident one day – but that won’t affect you too much as you swan off, glancing at the rearview mirror occasionally. Why don’t you leave the policing to the police.

Hells_Bells7411:39 am 12 Sep 10

BimboGeek said :

The police seem to have trouble segmenting. There’s so much negative advertising and that’s great for a segment of the population that fears authority, but there are those of us who would probably pay more attention if the police advertising by the road said “Remember you’re in a 1.5 tonne projectile” or “Bikes don’t have crumple zones” or even just “Please be considerate of the other humans around you.” Why do they use such cheap and nasty advertising? Is it because the police officers commissioning the ads can’t imagine people being motivated by anything other than insults and fear of retribution?


Tell a person enough and they believe it. So why not tell them something useful.

The police seem to have trouble segmenting. There’s so much negative advertising and that’s great for a segment of the population that fears authority, but there are those of us who would probably pay more attention if the police advertising by the road said “Remember you’re in a 1.5 tonne projectile” or “Bikes don’t have crumple zones” or even just “Please be considerate of the other humans around you.” Why do they use such cheap and nasty advertising? Is it because the police officers commissioning the ads can’t imagine people being motivated by anything other than insults and fear of retribution?

Ha! I thought the ‘Your’e An Idiot’ campaign was a general admonishment of Australia’s collective voting pattern at the last Federal election.

218 Using headlights on high-beam
(1) The driver of a vehicle must not use the vehicle’s headlights
on high-beam, or allow the vehicle’s headlights to be used
on high-beam, if the driver is driving:
(a) less than 200 metres behind a vehicle travelling in the
same direction as the driver; or
(b) less than 200 metres from an oncoming vehicle.

So as long as you’re not attempting to “dazzle” another driver, and you are at least 200m away from another car, it reads like flashing your lights to warn drivers is legal.

vandam said :

Actually the cops ARE out there handing out fines. 207 in 19 days is a pretty good strike rate.

207 fines over 19 days is an average of nearly 11 per day. If theres a blitz happening, these are pretty poor results, is this ‘blitz’ being done by one officer? Even so, thats only an average of 1 ticket every 2hrs. I remember in the old days when theyd do a ‘blitz’ and theyd pick up that many in a weekend.

Pommy bastard said :

I’d love one to read;

“This is Australia…

….We drive on the left”

Almost … these signs appear along bits of the road from Melbourne to Adelaide.

screaming banshee said :

…when some wanker is flashing their lights after passing a speed camera. Or the police could sit down the road in an unmarked waiting for people to do it…it is illegal.

Its illegal? What do you do after you pass an accident scene, and see other vehicles approaching the scene? Do you flash your lights to give them a heads up? How is this different, except that in your case it costs the govt money, but in my example it could prevent a dangerous situation.

I sometimes wish that law about dazzling drivers with lights, would be applied to police vehicles. Ive often been driving at night and come upon a patrol car who has pulled someone over, with their strobe lights flashing. When driving at night, the absolute last thing you want is to be hit with a bright flash of light from the side of the road. Just because you need 10 million candlepower on a very sunny day, doesnt mean you need the same brightness on a clear dark night.

bigred said :

Anyone hear good super Mark Colbran on the ABC on Thursday arvo? In a nutshell, he was challenged by callers about plod’s response to road rage. He left the studio with a fair bit of egg on his face, and I would imagine a few underlings would be dragged out of the donut shops and called to account.

Hey everyone look over here, bigred is on a cop bashing crusade, by again posting a post that has nothing to do with the thread to make his internet touch guy persona get bigger…

Hi bigred!

Outta Control said :

I didn’t know Sam Newman was writing their material …


trevar said :

I still reckon the insults are a waste of time and money

I still rather that insult to “…U B NXT”


enrique said :

219 Lights not to be used to dazzle other road users

Did anyone else just picture Peter Allen on stage wearing headlights… only…


Outta Control9:51 am 12 Sep 10

I didn’t know Sam Newman was writing their material …

vandam said :

Actually the cops ARE out there handing out fines. 207 in 19 days is a pretty good strike rate.

Well that’s certainly good to hear, but I still reckon the insults are a waste of time and money (even if the cost is minimal). A person who uses a mobile phone while driving is obviously anti-social anyway, and isn’t going to respond positively.

ahhh, found it. From the Australian Capital Territory Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
Management) Australian Road Rules Incorporation 2010 (No 1)… http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/ni/2010-113/current/pdf/2010-113.pdf

218 Using headlights on high-beam
(1) The driver of a vehicle must not use the vehicle’s headlights
on high-beam, or allow the vehicle’s headlights to be used
on high-beam, if the driver is driving:
(a) less than 200 metres behind a vehicle travelling in the
same direction as the driver; or
(b) less than 200 metres from an oncoming vehicle.

(2) However, if the driver is overtaking a vehicle, the driver
may briefly switch the headlights from low-beam to high-
beam immediately before the driver begins to overtake the

219 Lights not to be used to dazzle other road users
A driver must not use, or allow to be used, any light fitted to
or in the driver’s vehicle to dazzle, or in a way that is likely
to dazzle, another road user.

Pommy bastard9:23 am 12 Sep 10

I’d love one to read;

“This is Australia…

….We drive on the left”

trevar said :

I have a novel idea: how about instead of insulting everyone, they fine drivers who have their phone tacked to their ear while driving? How many cops could they put on patrol by renting out the advertising space on that sign?

Actually the cops ARE out there handing out fines. 207 in 19 days is a pretty good strike rate.


I’m sure the signs don’t cost much to run. But I myself have noticed less people on their phones. It seems to be working. Good on them!!!

screaming banshee said :

flashing their lights after passing a speed camera…it is illegal.

An honest question here… I’ve always wondered whether or not this was lawful. Can someone here with knowledge of the legislation point me to the part that makes it illegal to flash the high beams of your vehicle on and off so I can understand it a bit better.

I have a novel idea: how about instead of insulting everyone, they fine drivers who have their phone tacked to their ear while driving? How many cops could they put on patrol by renting out the advertising space on that sign?

screaming banshee7:40 am 12 Sep 10

They should all say “Speed camera ahead”, that should slow people down.

What I would love to see is a device that sticks a bollard up in the middle of the road when some wanker is flashing their lights after passing a speed camera. Or the police could sit down the road in an unmarked waiting for people to do it…it is illegal.

Just for kicks sometimes I flash my headlights at people that look like they are going fast when I know there isn’t a speed camera. Fantasic entertainment seeing the brake lights come on in the rearview.

😀 Now that’s what I call public art.

Anyone hear good super Mark Colbran on the ABC on Thursday arvo? In a nutshell, he was challenged by callers about plod’s response to road rage. He left the studio with a fair bit of egg on his face, and I would imagine a few underlings would be dragged out of the donut shops and called to account.

There’s also one on Horse Park Drive heading towards the Federal Highway.

The Traineediplomat1:46 am 12 Sep 10

I’d like to see one say “Oh I give up”, 2nd page “Drive like a dickhead”

At least they spelt “you’re” correctly 🙂

How about instead of cute signs and platitudes, police start pulling over and fining the tailgaters and speeders. All the bogans will be so deep in debt they’ll have to sell their Hilux Dual-Cab Utes with lowered suspension and 20″ rims. With them off the road the number of accidents will rapidly approach zero.

It’s only a matter of time until a Mully related slogan appears.

grunge_hippy said :

i chuckled when it said “you’re not that special”

Yeah, I liked that one. I got the feeling that someone was simply channelling “Tyler Durden”…

I saw the shut up and drive one, the first page said “Shut up and drive” the second page said “It’s the law!”

grunge_hippy8:23 pm 11 Sep 10

i chuckled when it said “you’re not that special”

Also to be seen on the Tuggy Parkway southbound as you get near Kambah.

About a month ago it had “Shut up and drive”

If they combined that with a radar, saying that for those more than a few k’s over the limit, it’d be way more interesting.

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