Word is breaking that Liberal Leader Zed Seselja has taken the easy option of knocking off sitting Senator Gary Humphries rather than taking the hard road of trying to win a new seat for his party.
We’ll let you know what this means for the Legislative Assembly when we know.
UPDATE 04/01/13 09:06: Word is that Zed will only have to give up his Assembly seat if he gets the pre-selection.
Our sense is that the Seselja forces have hollowed out the local Liberals to the point he should have no trouble even with Senator Humphries strong record.
UPDATE 04/01/13 09:47: Zed will be making an announcement at 12.30pm.
UPDATE 04/01/13 11:39: Senator Humphries has announced he’ll be making a statement at 1.30pm.
UPDATE 04/01/13 12:45: Zed’s standing down from the Liberal leadership, but not the Assembly on Monday.
UPDATE 04/01/13 13:37: Zed’s press conference as recorded from 1206 2CC is online if you want a listen.
[Photo courtesy Wiki Commons]