Simon Sheikh used to be the national director of GetUp!
He no longer is. When he become a candidate he said he no longer had any ties to that company.
GetUp! director Sam McLean however claims that Sheikh is still technically the director of a subsidiary company, however this is only because they forgot to take his name off a piece of paper, but they’re doing that now.
“GetUp! set up another organisation which we intended to use to help our campaigning but never ended up using at all,” he said.
“So it’s an organisation that exists on paper but not in the real world. It doesn’t have any money, any employees or has never done anything.
This may seem like the world’s biggest non-story ever, but Zed Seselja would disagree with you.
He thinks it’s rather important.
“One, because he’s said that he doesn’t, so it’s important that we can take at face value what candidates say,” he said.
“Secondly, I think it goes to GetUp’s credibility as well. GetUp! claims it’s not affiliated with political parties but it does appear that GetUp! has very very strong links to the Greens. “
Story courtesy of ABC News.
[Image by RenoVal (CC BY 2.0)]
Rioter Masquara also submitted a story about this with a different take than me. I’ve added it below in the interest of fairness:
What was Sheikh doing organizing a Pty Ltd company with himself as director, a subsidiary of GetUp? According to news reports he only resigned last night. Some oversight! What did Sheikh plan to do with the company?