12 October 2006

The return of CrazyChester

| johnboy
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She’s back! CrazyChester is back!

We’ve all missed the raving nutbaggery but today she’s left the following bizarre and cryptic comment.

“I’ve already got them, S4anta, but thanks for the encouragement.

So JB, I’m wondering if I show you up to be the jerk you are, will you and your fellow RA members who have put shit on me (and I just know some of you are ACT ALP hacks) be offering me a public apology? Or don’t you like eating crow shithead?

I know it’s so unlikely given I’m stark raving mad according to all you experts. You no doubt got your psychiatry qualifications from the same place as CIT’s student counsellors, I guess. That would be the student counselling service that have been producing and desseminating fraudulent medical information about me and which I’ve asked to have the Police investigate.

Now given this apparently happened with the then Education Minister’s approval (I did ask you to look into it Katy but I guess you couldn’t be bothered) and given she is now Health Minister, how’s everybody feeling about the confidentiality of their medical records?

I’ve asked for an explanation but not even the Chief Minister will deign to reply. Cat got your tongue, Jon? As I’ve breached the Protection Order about half a dozen times since Sunday night including going to a CIT teacher’s home, I would have thought I might have had a visit from the Police by now. Especially as I’ve gone out of my way to make sure they know the Order has been breached. But it’s no speakies.

Game. Set. Match. Pricks.

Comment by crazychester — October 12, 2006 @ 12:34 pm

As usual I have no idea what she’s talking about, or why anyone owes her anything. It’s nice she thinks she’s won… whatever it is she’s won.

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All the XXXX … and the linedancing with Evil’s mum.

Welcome to Thursday everyone.
JB whats the record for most comments on a story – surely some of CC’s stories have to be up there.

Absent Diane9:03 am 09 Nov 06

its all the XXXX i drink.

Why are you insistent that RiotACT is evidence of the Government’s failings CC?
RiotACT has nothing to do with the Gov. Shouldn’t the fact that we bag the ACT Gov out just as much as the opposition illustrate this???

Tagline anything in this thread.

Subject for next podcast: CrazyChester

My personal pick is
This is Riotact.

Nobody Loves you, Everybody Hates You, You shoud go and eat worms. Comment by simto — November 7, 2006

Wow – I really need to get out more … well come into RA more frequently. This is actually my first CC experience.

CC, you rock! Great entertainment – and I’m sure eventually I’ll actually be able to comprehend some of what you are saying. I will persevere!

CC frothed:
Add to that the fact not a single one of my allegations or complaints has even been addressed (most were not even acknowledged),

Remember that comment you made about not needing any documents to back yourself up? In fact you do need them, you need evidence to back any allegation or complaint, or else you WILL be marginalised as a loony, that’s as due a process as anyone can expect.

My position is very simple. I expect government to be transparent and accountable

Ah, I see – *that’s* your problem right there.

Good luck with that.

how exactly is this stanhopes fault ?

he wouldnt know you from a bar of soap crazy.

… But it does include her assertation that Chief Justice Higgins is a good bloke. So that might get the judiciary onside.

crazychester9:29 am 08 Nov 06

No I’m afraid I wasn’t sectioned as a loony. Quite the contrary, actually. But don’t let that tax your tiny mind, bonfire.

As for the rambling nature of it all, you’ll have to take that up with CIT and Stanhope et al as that is entirely their doing and readily explained by the complete absence of any formal process from start to finish. Which is why the circumstances are so difficult to explain in terms of what would normally be regarded as due process.

Add to that the fact not a single one of my allegations or complaints has even been addressed (most were not even acknowledged), let alone disproven, by the arrogant staff of CIT or Ministers Gallagher or Barr, plus the refusal to supply vast amounts of information which anyone with more than half a brain would know I’m entitled to, and the complexity of the matter shouldn’t exactly come as great surprise.

My position is very simple. I expect government to be transparent and accountable but the best this lot has been able to produce is an endless wall of silence behind which lies nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

im not sure exactly how producing these threads in court is going to be the TADA moment you imagine crazy.

YOU logged on and created an account.
YOU have provided all the info we ave on YOU.
YOU boast about breaking the law.
YOU foretell of criminal activities.
YOU admit to being sectioned as a loony.

Absent Diane9:06 am 08 Nov 06

dot points.

We’re also not affiliated with the ACT Government, the CIT or, indeed, with any other agency that you may or may not have a justified agrievement with.

My main problem is that, for someone who claims to be a media student, I cannot understand what on earth you are talking about. There’s such a mishmash of incoherent gabble in your voluminous posts that, apart from getting a general sense that you’re very grumpy with a fair range of people and have been hauled in for psychiatric assessment a couple of times, I still couldn’t say for the life of me what the hell it is that you’re banging on about.

If you can put your argument in five coherent, short sentances, it’d help both your reputation and our understanding.

**falls off chair laughing**

good one LG!
**wipes tears from eyes**

CC, you do know we aren’t the government, and that Johnboy isn’t actually Jon Stanhope, don’t you?

Well perhaps if you behaved a little less erratic and more normally, the close of your account wouldnt be suggested!

crazychester8:24 am 08 Nov 06

LOL Oh dear god, what a bunch of supercillious pricks.

Censorship? Yeah, that sounds like the ACT to me.

Such a shame for you that a reasonable person would conclude the damage has all been done by you CC.

crazychester7:58 am 08 Nov 06

Sure you can. I intend to use the copies of these threads that I’ve kept in court against the ACT Government as evidence of the harm their bullshit can do. So AFAIC, keep it up.

Can I say this here? “Just fuck-off crazychester you sad and pathetic bitch”.

Johnboy, why do you engage in this troll, she has nothing to contribute? Just delete her account and don’t engage in stalking her for your self amusement.

crazychester7:08 am 08 Nov 06

So you think I just imagined this huh? That’s the best argument any of you can invent? I don’t need documents to fucking prove it. For cryin’ out loud, too many people who are not employed by the ACT Government were involved this time including one who visited me at the Psych Unit.

I’d suggest the problem is, you know I couldn’t possibly make this up but you’ve backed yourselves into such a corner, admitting otherwise would make you look like the fools you are and would finally but to bed any last vestiges of credibility this site still has.

Isn’t Vg a cop? Is he/she ACT Police? If so, I’d suggest you should be able to check the facts very easily indeed.

I am without words. Really, I can’t even begin to trace the line of conversation to get to this point.

Is there a proper term for this level of delusional reality other than ‘batshit fucking nuts’?

No more watching “X-Files” for you Crazychester.

crazy as a coconut

crazychester4:06 pm 07 Nov 06

I am Christina Mico’s godfather.
And we are unhappy that you should bring us into this.

Now that’s pretty funny because someone described Dominic Mico to me as “a member of the Canberra political mafia”. LOL

I doubt very much what you say is true but damn I hope it is because my response would be, tough fuckin’ shit godfather Mico. Don’t tell me she’s still allowed to practise? Hasn’t anyone seen to it yet that she’s deregistered?

crazychester4:01 pm 07 Nov 06

crossthreaded and demonstrating fine debating form there CC.

How’d the facts go down in the loony bin?

LOL. Funny you should ask. Needless to say, this was something of a concern to me as we made our way to the hospital. Couldn’t exactly change my story could I? But yes, the fact it wasn’t going to help didn’t escape me.

Things initially went OK with the first doctor. Man it is so stressful trying not to appear nuts when you don’t know what’s been said about you, by who, and why it’s landed you in a secure Psych Unit.

By the time we were supposedly heading back to the police cells on the Wednesday night, I was exhausted. So when they left me alone, I tried to get a bit of kip. When they woke me a short time later, they’d had their sudden change of plan and decided I needed “more assessment” overnight in the hospital. For a while, it seemed that everytime I fell asleep, when I woke up I was, in the doctors’ opinions, a bit more crazy.

Suffice to say, the hospital staff had trouble buying into the whole story from the start. Even on the Wednesday night, some of them were openly admitting to me that it was all very odd. They clearly weren’t comfortable with the fact my regular doctor hadn’t been consulted.

Then, of course, around lunchtime on the second day everything changed dramatically and suddenly the hospital couldn’t get me out of there quick enough. I think if the cops hadn’t come and driven me back to court (in a car not a paddy wagon this time – and no ‘cuffs), the doc would have driven me there himself and left me at the door with a note pinned to me saying something like “she’s much too sane for us to handle”.

After the wind change, I was telling hospital staff how appalling I thought it was that so many innocent people, including themselves, had been roped into compromising themselves and urging one young doctor to remember her obligations under the Hippocratic Oath next time. 😀 I don’t think I’ve mentioned that I did 3 years of a medical degree years ago. LOL

By the end of my stay, I had the nurses saying stuff to me like “how far do you think it goes?” “All the way to Stanhope”, says I. LOL Much easier to convince than you lot.

So why did the wind change? Well, because somebody got me out obviously. Who? Well, I’m pretty sure I know but for the time being, I’ll let you speculate about that for yourselves.

obviously CC wasnt fed enough little purple pills in the loony bin!

I am Christina Mico’s godfather.
And we are unhappy that you should bring us into this.

This is Riotact.

Nobody Loves you

Everybody Hates You

You shoud go and eat worms.

CC – other than creating an amusing rant for the rest of us to smirk at, do you actually have a point to this (other than the govt is conspiring against you) or do you somehow feel that by vetting your anger/frustration here – the readers will actually give a shit – because from where I am standing you need to let go and get on with your life…

the name is bonfire

speculate away.

ive been accused of know-it-alledness my whole life.

but you know what ?

nothing worse than a smart arse whos right.

but seriously – surely you must realise you are sick, mentally ill.

you need professional care.

posting here doesnt help you.

check yourself in somewhere and calm down. stick to your medication.

ignore your vendettas. they only harm you.

crossthreaded and demonstrating fine debating form there CC.

How’d the facts go down in the loony bin?

crazychester2:33 pm 07 Nov 06

Ah yes JB, I see the standard of debate on your site is as low as ever. I’d ask what are you suggesting if I thought I would get a straight answer. But you just can’t come to grips with the whole idea of arguing according to the facts, can you?

bonfire why don’t you tell me who you are you little shithead know-it-all and why you think I might now be in need of a detox now fuckhead? Your real name isn’t Christina Mico is it? Or maybe you’re Dominic, her husband?

Ooh, I like the Pauline Hanson type thing about the videos being posted from overseas. “If you seeing this, it means I am dead”. Hilarious.

**falls off chair laughing** this is much better than any TV sitcom!

two weeks is too short for a proper detox…

Hooray! She’s back!

I needed some diversion from the constant guff about horses spouting from everyone today.

crazychester12:52 pm 07 Nov 06

Well haven’t you lot gone all shy and quiet. What’s up bonfire? Cat got your tongue? Your little bullshit exercise in so-called “citizen journalism” is looking like more and more of a joke by the minute, JB. There’s about as much independence on this site as there is in the ACT Magistrate’s Court, I’d suggest. IOW, not too bloody much at all. Isn’t that right Mr Stanhope? So here ya go:


You want to see the video, you need to to email me here:


and try to convince me of your real identity (you’ll need to include an email address) and then, if I feel so inclined, I’ll email you the link and the password that will give you access to the site. A short version of the video will be posted for all to see on Thursday morning right before I go back to court.

If you’re thinking about trying the disappearing trick again Jon that won’t stop any of this from being posted on the net as all the video files and docs are safely in the hands of people outside Australia who will post the lot if I am unable to do so. What’s more we’ll googlebomb your own web pages if you really want to play dirty.

Why don’t you answer my questions instead? The ones on the link above will do for starters. No, don’t pass it off to the DPP. He wasn’t a party to this. How do I know that? Well firstly, because like you, I knew he was out of town at the time and secondly, because the little elfin prosecutor girlie who represented his office told me so in court when I put it on her. That’s why. Oh don’t blame her. Poor kid. She wasn’t to know about my talent for getting people to tell me the truth.

You, Ms Gallagher, Barr and the crud from CIT are the ones behind this, so cut the gutless crap of trying to throw off onto other people. Having said that, I suspect at least one of JB’s members might be able to help us with the answer to the crazychester question.

After we’ve dealt with these matters, I think it’s about time we talked about those rumours of sexual impropriety by middle aged CIT staff with young 18 year old girls. I’m sure we can manage to air that dirty washing while tip toeing carefully around the defamation laws.

As 2 weeks have already passed and you still haven’t been able to provide me with an explanation for the circumstances of my arrest (or anything else for that matter), I thinks it’s more than reasonable for me to assume it’s because you either don’t have one or you’re busy preparing your next batch of bullshit and lies. After all, I was entitled to see the documents in court.

You and your government have the manipulation of the ACT Magistrate’s Court down to quite a fine art, haven’t you? No wonder everybody’s scrambling to represent themselves in the Supreme Court before our all time rockin’ Chief Justice who, of course, has already expressed similar concerns about the Magistrate’s Court. There is no excuse for the way your government is calling the independence of the ACT legal system into question. You should be thrown out of office for that alone.

Anyway, gotta go, Jon. I have an appointment with the ACT Supreme Court and an action for false imprisonment.

crazychester12:51 pm 05 Nov 06

Oh, and yes of course I’ve arranged for someone else to post it all should I be *ahem* otherwise detained.

crazychester12:50 pm 05 Nov 06

Sure have. And I’ll tell you all about the very interesting circumstances of my arrest too. Well, as much as I can, anyway. There seem to be a few aspects they’d rather keep quiet. Tough shit for them.

Back with the linky soon.

CrazyChester – have you uploaded the footage yet?
Can’t wait to see it..

Absent Diane4:38 pm 16 Oct 06

it makes sense once you read 12 or so times. But once you get it… the true craziness is revealed.

LurkerGal, I thought she’d accidentally posted that here instead of on another site because of the way it just came from out of nowhere.

Normally the thought of a woman with handcuffs and a video camera would excite me, but when it involves CC it scares the living crap out of me!

Is it just me? Or did that post from CrazyBitch make even less sense than usual?

Absent Diane4:11 pm 16 Oct 06

a drum and bass remix of the theme from jaws.

Yeah, the theme from Jaws!

They’d show her walking in slow motion and play the scary music…

And if they caught CC in a manic phase they’d get some priceless footage to mash up in the edit.

I could see this story coming up on Today Tonight from a different angle.
“they were working in a higher education setting, just trying to lead a normal life and feed their families, until……..the student from hell entered their campus. There has been abusive emails, letter, late night visits. There is not peace for the workers at this learning facility….”

crazy as a coconut

Absent Diane3:40 pm 16 Oct 06

why not send it in to Ray ‘Naomi’ Robson?

“real news” and Today Tonight = non sequitur

Can’t wait to see it.

crazychester2:55 pm 16 Oct 06

FC, sure. I’m already working on it. I’m on dial-up so it will probably be stills or shortened clips for starters. But there’s some other people who get to see it first so they can give me their invaluable input about it. Might be a day or so.

CC, what drugs are you on – prescription or non-prescription?

Crazychester – can you upload this footage for us to see?


Thankyou for your considered input.

Now run along toots!

crazychester2:19 pm 16 Oct 06


Just sat down to see if I actually managed to get any decent footage. I was pretty wired, needless to say. The rushes look great!

Went to three campuses. They reacted just like I was a real news cameraman! My ex-teacher ran away from me as if I was from Today Tonight and he was a dodgy tradeperson, the secretary at Student Counselling moved to hide behind a potted plant, and then these security guys followed me around talking on the telephone while I filmed them! But so far I’m still a free woman.

I had a pair of plastic toy handcuffs dangling from my left wrist the whole time.

“It’s OK”, says I to one staff member, “I’ve brought my own ‘cuffs!”


I don’t care if they do lock me up and throw away the key.That was too much fun. Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Just the therapy the doctor ordered. One very large dose of the truth.

Absent Diane9:33 am 14 Oct 06

vy my thoughts exactly.

Sometimes it is best to just forget about things and just accept that bad shit happens… the less you care the less you stress. A good hint with money as well childrens:)

Well that concludes my lesson today on happiness. I hope you got something out of it. See you next time.

CrazyChester. This thing is clearly eating you alive. Have you seriously considered moving to a new city and starting again? I am concerned that you will be carrying this around for the rest of your life, and that is not a healthy thing for a human being to be doing.

Also, keep us up to date with how your case is progressing.

that last post was the most articulate thing i’ve seen you write CC. structured and didn’t ramble.
I actually understood it.

What’s yours CC ?

crazychester7:32 pm 13 Oct 06

What’s your point JB?

Funny thing CC, we went over that issue back when it was relevant, about 5 years ago.

crazychester5:22 pm 13 Oct 06

Funny you should mention IntACT. Did you know when that business happened with Bill Wood’s diverted emails just after Labor took office, around 80 or about half of IntACT’s entire staff had administrator privileges that allowed them to revive a dead Bill Wood email account and/or divert the emails to a Liberal staffer’s inbox? That seems to be not so much a security hole as a security chasm. I haven’t had a close look at the documents and I have no idea how or if it is possible to see the police report but no one seemed to enquire how this came to be or what else IntACT staff might have access to. Brendan Smyth seemed to be on to it but it appears he was shouted down by the rest of the committee members who chose to focus on the Liberal staffer’s involvement. Anyway…..

As far as the right of counselling staff to make that comment, if there’s a doctor in the house or (in theory at least) a lawyer, that issue can be quickly settled right here and now. I can provide the following info that they’ll need to give an opinion and they will know where to confirm it if they’re in any doubt:

– yes the CIT Student Counselling Service a registered health service under the relevant legislation
– I believe the student counsellors are required to be registered psychologists under the terms of their employment. Certainly the one mentioned is or was last time I checked. :/
– nope, never spoke to any counsellor about any health or medical matters nor gave any consent for release of information
– yes I have requested from both the Counselling Service and CIT under FOI my full record and there is no evidence I had discussed anything of a medical or health nature with counsellors nor given anybody consent to discuss such matters with anyone. Unless of course it’s in the blacked out information which would be problematic (and yes nyssa, you’ll get all or most of your blocked out info and don’t be put off by claims of legal privilege – there are several precedents that demonstrate the courts take even non-medical but personal/sensitive info seriously enough that they are not entirely averse to waving legal privilege if they feel you have a right to have a gander)
– no nobody from CIT has spoken to, attempted to speak to or asked me if they could speak to my doctor at the medical practice I’ve been with for the better part of twenty years
– the relevant PID info (there may be a more current one but it says the same thing).
Sorry, I’ll probably mess this up. Not used to html codes.
I think that covers it.

No, sorry Kerces I meant that once CC is treated there will be a whole bunch of PS who no longer have to read the plethora of emails they get from CC each day and so will be able to be employed on more fruitful projects (and IntACT’s bandwidth will increase)

Binker! Not *all* of us rioters are public servants (even though it may appear so sometimes). Three acronyms in a sentence is too many for ordinary brains to cope with.

barking toad3:41 pm 13 Oct 06

I wonder if CC designed that new bike lane
on Newcastle street

Would explain a lot

It will be a sad day for interweb humour when the MH Tribunal gets its shit together and puts her on a PTO however on the upside the productivity of the ACT PS will show an immediate increase.

…and we’re all sure whoever Ms Mico is that she appreciated her name coming up in CC’s spray above as well.

“Counsellors have identified that [My Name] appears to have a complex set of health issues and effective communication is not progressed by engaging with issues through email correspondence.”

ahh yes, clearly fraudulent.

just walk away and forget it.

you’ll be happier.

grow some vegetables on the balcony.

get a kitten.

stay away from email.

Hmm, CC is no spring chicken, her DPMC days as a graduate could be a long way behind her.

we are, however, waiting with bated breathe to see this blog.

Guys to be fair, I’ve had my fair share of shit from the ACT Dept. Hence my taking LWOP for a year and teaching in the private sector.

I haven’t brought it up for the sole reason that I felt I would received a “backlash” from you all.

However, I’m still dealing with the incompentence 18-20 months later. I’ve even had to file for FOI for my own files.

So yes, there is major incompetence out there and venting/raging/call it what you like, is one way to deal with it.

Now I’m off to Sydney. Hope that clarifies a few things in terms of perspective. See you all on here tomorrow night.

If she is in PM&C she (I’m assuming a she) may need to have a quick glance at the Depts policy for private internet usage.

And she’s still mental

This is the reference, JB (could be, of course, she’s moved on/been moved on from there by now)…”Otherwise, given the Commonwealth Government spent a shitload of your money teaching me this stuff as a PM&C graduate trainee, I treat them with the disdain I think they deserve.”

“Counsellors have identified that [My Name] appears to have a complex set of health issues and effective communication is not progressed by engaging with issues through email correspondence.” – CrazyChester October 13 2006.

Game, Set, Match, Plink.

crazychester2:10 pm 13 Oct 06

Re: the fraudulent and confidential thing. There was some medical information that had no relevance whatsoever (and still doesn’t) to my dispute with CIT that I gave to a student counsellor (in confidence, of course) that was true and that has been illegally released to other staff. Or at least, she has refused to admit it wasn’t released to other staff and referred me to the CIT Directorate for further info. I learned this back in February but no one has bothered to give me an explanation so far. I won’t speak to the Directorate about it because they shouldn’t know anything about it. They’re not entitled to access that information and Ms Mico was not entitled to reveal it without my consent.

The fraudulent information was given to teachers without my knowledge many, many months ago. It’s been sitting there in the documents I got under FOI in May (after they screwed the Protection Order out of me). But as it seems to be a bit of a habit with the ACT Public Service to dump bricks of personal information on unsuspecting students/employees/members of the public even tho’ it that contravenes various provisions of privacy legislation, it took me until now to find this line:

“Counsellors have identified that [My Name] appears to have a complex set of health issues and effective communication is not progressed by engaging with issues through email correspondence.”

It gets worse. A lot worse. I seethed and raged for 2 days after I read that line but once I calmed down, I realized that if this was a porn film, that line would be what’s commonly known in the biz as “the money shot”.

As for what the recipient will think, I don’t really care. We can discuss what the recipients think after any of them choose to answer perfectly reasonable questions I have been putting to CIT and the ACT Government since October 2005 and which I believe I am lawfully entitled to have answered. I haven’t been vitriolic with them the entire time, you know. In fact, I think one of my big mistakes was trying to be reasonable with them. I wanted to avoid going to court because then the process becomes adversarial by its very nature.

Anyone with a reasonable amount of knowledge of administrative principles would have recognised their actions as the somewhat hackneyed tricks of bad managers. As an Administrative Trainee in the APS during 1987, I was trained to identify and correct precisely this sort of misconduct. Of all the people to do this to, I was about the worst choice they could have picked for a bajillion different reasons. Indeed, if the consequences weren’t quite so serious, I would probably find the whole thing very amusing.

crazy as a coconut

If you go thru the 185+ comments (bliss!) on the other strand, JB, I’m sure there is a reference from CC about being with PM&C…

Office for the Status of Crazy Women no longer is a part pf PM&C

How do you figure that she’s in DPMC terubo?

The most worrying thing about all this is that CC appears to be in the employ of PM&C. The nation should take note.

Absent Diane1:43 pm 13 Oct 06

I would suggest that by fraudulent and confidential she means that someone has released information about her which she doesn’t like. perhaps CIT counsellors who have been asked their professional opinion on crazy chester? and perhaps said nutter does nay agree with professional opinion so is claiming it as fraudulent.

Gee, and I thought she was just nuts! Apologies CrazyChester, you are clearly sane, wellspoken, and realise that in correspondence where you want to be taken seriously it is a good idea to make sure you use correct spelling, and don’t swear.

Oh, sorry, must have written that BEFORE I read your letter…….


I am not a Labor lackey, you are mental

CC, I got a hard-on reading that.

Let’s meet for coffee.

Ahh, well, that clears things up

Do you ever read your own stuff CC?

Ask yourself what the recipient will make of it?

Also how can information be both fraudulent and confidential?

crazychester1:09 pm 13 Oct 06

Subject: A practical demonstration
Date: 13 October 2006 12:45:08 PM
To: XXXX.X’XXXX@cit.act.edu.au, STANHOPE , xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@act.gov.au, xxxxx.xxxxxx@dest.gov.au, xxxxxxxxxx@bigpond.com, xxxx.xxxxxxxx@cit.act.edu.au, barr@act.gov.au

Mr Stanhope, Mr Barr,


I think these comments serve as an excellent example of the effectiveness of the Canberra Institute of Technology’s tactics. What this discussion (if you can call it that) demonstrates is that, up until now, the conduct of CIT has been so outrageous not even members of the legal fraternity let alone the general public would give me the time of day. I would be the first to admit my allegations sound ludicrous.

However, as you and I both know, it’s not the members of Riot Act I have to convince. Thankfully. It’s the ACT Supreme Court. And they are not subject to improper influence. I know, I’ve checked them out, and might I say, IMHO, Chief Justice Higgins rocks. However, I’m inclined to think by virtue of the fact there still appears to be no action taken by CIT in response to me breaching the Protection Order that your side may not share my opinion of His Honour. I also note that, as far as I am aware, you have done nothing to correct the breach of my confidentiality including addressing the matter of fraudulent information that has been put about by CIT staff.

If you or CIT wish to claim some right to have acted toward me as you have, I suggest here would be an excellent place to come out with it. Otherwise, as I said, I look forward to resuming my course next week. I’ll be documenting my return on video but there won’t be a big song and dance. Nor will I speak with any staff or students about the matter at hand. As I’ve said all along, my primary aim is to finish my course. Obviously, my dispute with CIT and the ACT Government will now be resolved sooner or later. I think this is a good time for me to have a chat with a few law firms again. What do you reckon? I have a feeling some of the barriers to my finding legal assistance at the right price might have just fallen away.

But I’ll put you both on notice now that I haven’t come this far or put up with so much of your crap just to feather my own nest. All the money in the world won’t fix what’s happened. Because I sit back and look at all the effort that’s been expended on me in the last 12 months and shake my head in despair.

Don’t you people have ANYTHING better to do with your time? I mean really, it’s sad.

So far, all that effort has been bloody pointless as far as I can tell. So I have three additional aims. Firstly, that Ms Gallagher learns that next time somebody says they’re happy to come to a discrete resolution with her that she understands it’s administrator speak for “you’re getting yourself in a real pickle and now would be an excellent time to appease me while losing as little (more) face as possible.” You’ll save the taxpayer a shitload of money.

Secondly, that the ACT Government and the ACT Public Service learn exactly what is meant and what the legal implications are of “a reviewable decision”. Interestingly, Professor MacMillan, the ACT and Commonwealth Ombudsman, is an excellent source of information regarding this area of the law despite the fact his Office chose not to apply it to my case.

But finally and mostly, I want to make sure the CIT Gruselkabinett* doesn’t screw around with the far more impressionable and vulnerable minds of young 18 and 19 year old CIT students in the future, as my own observations and even comments on my student record, suggest has happened in the past. Only then might it be possible to say some good has come out of this whole wretchedly stupid business.


* Chamber of Horrors (German)

I’m very tempted to reveal my own name publicly but as there’s be no evidence thus far that anyone involved in this has any shame, I think I’ll skip the heroics.

To nyssa,
Tough crowd, huh? I’ll get back to you but as I know you don’t mind a well-worded quotation and as I don’t have any further need to visit RA (altho’ I’ll post the link to my own blog when it’s ready for public consumption), I thought I’d leave you and everyone with the two quotations that have probably been more important to me than any others during my little ordeal. (Although I’d have to give some props to Rudyard and the Dixie Chicks “Not Ready To Make Nice” as well 😉 )

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

All that it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. (Edmund Burke)

Or good women.


Thumper, how about “the fires were all the fault of NSW”?

I read a great quote thismorning. “Ask yourself a question: Is my attitude worth catching?” in this instance i suspect not 🙂

btw, we have a conspiracy theory topic if anyone cares to use it.

Thumper that is the funniest thing ive read for ages.

im stealing it.

“…including going to a CIT teacher’s home”

I don’t hit women so if she came to my home I’d get my wife to bitch slap her instead.

Feel sorry for that teacher.

You’re just thinking of Cameron Diaz in Being John Malkovich.

Absent Diane9:51 am 13 Oct 06

why when I picture this crazy chester do I think of uncombed frazzled long hair.

You’d be having sex with her, she’d come first, then she’d push you off and say Game. Set. Match. Prick.

She would have to be stunning to even hope to overcome her toxic interactive style

Going on gut instinct alone i’d say that if CC was good looking she’d have better things to do with her time.

But does she like cats and is good looking?

Ahhh crazychester – she’s so hot when she’s angry!

They aren’t tinfoil hats they’re alfoil deflector beanies http://zapatopi.net/afdb/ The scary thing is I knew that link off the top of my head.

JB, having a netKooK stalker is a sign of internet maturity, so be proud. I’ve had many stalkers, most of which make CC look rather mundane in comparison. Just enjoy it. They provide excellent entertainment value.

On a completely unrelated note the scumbag wench that attacked the proprietors of that shop in Theodore on Monday has been released on bail as the judge felt that she “came from a good family”. I must “come from a bad family” as so far in life I have completely and utterly failed to walk into a shop and try and smash a couple of women’s heads in with an iron bar for no particular reason.

Is she a hippie Go-Go dancer?

If so I would love to rattle her cage.

Yes!! Someone please start up a business selling tin foil hats so we can all get messages sent!! I sooooo want one. :o)

Absent Diane4:01 pm 12 Oct 06

it depends on the strength of their sattelite thingy… so given that it is an educational institution probably just one layer

Yeah Bonfire, can you post instructions on how to make a tin foil hat?

How many layers of tin foil are needed to keep CIT from ruining your life?

I want a tinfoil hat!
Bonfire, will you make me one?

CrazyChester – do you think that it could be more than a coincidence that everyone on this sight seems to think you’re a nut bag!! Perhaps it could be related to the fact that you seem to be one of those “the world is conspiring against me” types.
And what was with you bragging that you know where JohnBoy (or whoever it was) lives? No wonder the CIT got and order against you. Crazy stalker!

Are they going to add a nutter ward on to the Jerrabombra Hilton? There is definitely one candidate.

And you and I often post around the same time bonfire.

Hmm…maybe you’re my evil twi…umm…which one of us would be the evil twin?

lurkergal and crazychester often post around the same time.

is this more than a coincidence ?

Welcome back crazy chester you insane little pixie you! Did they let you out of the asylum today? yay you!

Love VG’s comment.

crazychester – you need help.

you coudl start with buying a roll of tinfoil and fashiohn yourelf a helmet to stop the messages getting in.

then check yourself in somewhere for a nice long holiday.

God I love this site.
That nut bad CrazyChester is hilarious.
One angry woman.
But one interesting thread to read.

I think CC definitely needs her own blog, if for no other reason than to add to the weirdblogs list.

“will you and your fellow RA members who have put shit on me (and I just know some of you are ACT ALP hacks) be offering me a public apology?”

I am so so so SOOOOOOO sorry.

Ya crazy bitch.

Game. Set. Match. yep she is definitely a nutter!

And what’s wrong with being an ACT ALP hack?

By the way, I don’t think Crazy Chester is mad, she just seems a little obsessed: in the same kind of way that Hitler was obsessed with Stalingrad.

JB – could you make “CrazyChester” a topic in the Main Menu toolbar, along with “Community”, “Seedier Side of the City”, et al?

I could, but I think i’d prefer to keep that in my pocket, although if she forces me to do it I’d use her real name.

Absent Diane1:03 pm 12 Oct 06

I second that notion. Or what about starting a site dedicated to local conspiracy theorists… crazychester.com.au anyone??

That Crazychester, always cracking me up. Good to have more raving nut jobs back on the site. Makes for interesting reading.

When’s Sam back?

JB – could you make “CrazyChester” a topic in the Main Menu toolbar, along with “Community”, “Seedier Side of the City”, et al?

barking toad1:00 pm 12 Oct 06

Didn’t notice a full moon last night

Perhaps it’s caused by global warming

Yay, she’s back!

Crazy Chester, you go get ’em Tiger.

Absent Diane12:57 pm 12 Oct 06

I had a fridge conspire against me once. I didnt let that bastard get away with it either.

my god, she really is crazy

“I’ve breached the Protection Order about half a dozen times since Sunday night including going to a CIT teacher’s home, I would have thought I might have had a visit from the Police by now”

Straight to the pool room.

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