The local franchise of Jester’s Pies, as far as I know the only one in Canberra, has closed its operation at the top of Garema Place. For the last couple of days of last week the shop was closed up, chairs stacked on tables, lights out and a For Lease sign in the window.
I didn’t mind a Jester’s pie once in a while, although I wasn’t exactly a regular there. I can’t say I’m surprised to see them go, though. I never saw the place with more than one or two people in it and it was often empty. It wasn’t in a good spot to get the passing takeaway trade – the Ali Baba and Oporto outlets next door offer a better variety of meal and I think Jester’s is too far away from the big offices for public servants ducking out for a bite and a coffee. On the other hand, the dine-in experience wasn’t inviting, with the TV not visible from most of the seats and the weird furniture design that put the table about level with my chest when I sat down.
I’m now wondering about the fate of the site. I’m sure it would be viable for a good eatery, but I’m wondering what sort. A different sort of takeaway, perhaps with the entrance on the other wall to draw in the fast-food crowd rather than the cafe-goers? Is that part of town at saturation point with cafe-style eateries? It’d be a shame if that corner stood empty for as long as it did after the Key King moved out.