Many years ago a team of workers were dispatched to the storm-water drain forming the border between Ainslie and Watson.
Someone had decreed that where the Watson drain broke cover needed fencing. Maybe it does, someone walking along in the dark could in theory fall down there.
So they dug holes, poured concrete, set up posts and ran some chain link fence.
They don’t appear to have done a very good job.
The chain link doesn’t go all the way to the ground, and the fence only runs along three sides.
But it seems unlikely anyone will accidentally fall into the drain opening (as opposed to the whole drain which runs thereafter).
What I really want to know is who decided the whole thing then needed a double string of barbed wire running around the top?
Is it in fact a cunning piece of public art which has lost it’s plaque?
Perhaps titled “Dumb Insolence”? “Meaningless adherence to standards”?