The ACT Electric Vehicle Council is making it known that their big shindig is on again this year, albeit after a restructure:
Since 2009, Canberra has hosted the annual Canberra International Electric Vehicle Festival produced in partnership with the Australian Electric Vehicle Association Inc. (AEVA) and the ACT Electric Vehicle Council (EVC). Since its inception, the volunteer run event has been steadily growing in attendance numbers and gaining Australia-wide interest and participation.
As such, the AEVA and EVC are excited to announce that they will now run two festivals in alternate years to provide Canberra with local and international perspectives. By holding more specialised events on alternate years it will allow for greater involvement from both enthusiasts and industry experts alike, and will better showcase the exciting new developments in the electric vehicle sector.
This year’s event on 12 October, presented by AEVA, will be an Electric Car Show giving enthusiasts the opportunity to ‘show and shine’ their electric vehicles to each other and the wider community. This event will replace the 2013 Canberra International Electric Vehicle Festival and will run on odd years.
On alternate even years, commencing in 2014, the International Electric Vehicle Festival, presented by AEVA and the EVC, will be a showcase for new electric vehicles, new battery technology and supporting electric vehicle infrastructure. The festival will be a showcase of electric vehicles from amongst the earliest made through DIY conversions, right up to the very latest commercial vehicles available for purchase and lease right now. Festival goers will also have the opportunity to try some of the latest electric vehicles including cars, trucks, bikes and segways.
[Photo: the old school Detroit electric car (circa 1920) next to a new school Tesla Roadstar electric cars (circa 2011) on the lawns at Old Parliament House.]