[First filed: January 20, 2009 @ 15:54]

The RSPCA is reminding us all to do the right thing and de-sex our companion animals.
They’re also reminding us of the costs of not getting it done:
- “The current influx of kittens to RSPCA ACT has highlighted once again the fact that Canberra’s pet owners are not heeding the message that de-sexing pets is an essential part of pet ownership. RSPCA ACT has consistently reported on the damage which unwanted kittens can cause to the health of mother cats, the risks associated with dumped kittens becoming feral and hunting native fauna and the costs of managing the large population of unwanted cats and kittens by RSPCA ACT.
There is another area of concern in relation to failure to de-sex pets and this has led to one of Australia’s major insurers to comment. Recent increases in the incidence of road deaths of pets, both dogs and cats, have highlighted an additional risk associated with failure to de-sex pets and that is the propensity for non de-sexed animals to roam. AAMI’s John Crommie recently highlighted the increase in injury and fatality relating to vehicle strike against domestic pets as an issue which is arising more and more. RSPCA ACT also noted the often high costs of vet care should such accidents occur.”
If you can’t afford the vet the RSPCA offer a discount service with a 30% discount for low income earners. Prices are listed on their website.
On the other hand with non-desexing you get kittens! And they’re SOO cute! These ones belong to my housemate, more gratuitous kitteh pix below.