So you thought you might like to purchase a car with some of that bonus you had paid out ! You find the perfect car you have been dreaming of for the past 12 months. It’s a bargain, seller seems genuinne, you take a day off to travel interstate to make the purchase upon being happy with the inspection. So you have done the research, asked all the right questions, done a REVs check, and the purchase goes ahead just fine. Then the rort begins, and you return home to the ACT, and try and register it here.
1. You have 14 days in order to transfer registration across to the city that the vehicle will now reside. Fine, I can live with that. Its the same rule across the country.
2. You are required to have a roadworthy inspection, in order to satisfy the Authorities that no dangerous modifications will be imported into the cars new State of residence. Fine, I can live with that and the piece of mind that the car will be pased, or need fixing to a safe standard.
3. The car needs repairing to bring it up to the Authorities safety standards. Great, my car is safe now, albeit $1000 later. I now know what ping springs are, and that privacy tinting is forbidin in the ACT for obvious reasons.
4. is where I start getting annoyed. After my car has had the repairs, is now safe, and is ready for registration, I am required to have an Identification check. This is so that the Authorities are satisfied that the vehicle that I have taken ownership of, was not stolen, or involved in any crime. My question being, wouldnt the REV’s check that I did cover this and, considering that the ID check does find that it is stolen, and that the Registry will automatically confiscate the vehicle from me for which I have just spent $30,000 to purchase and a further $1000 to bring up to road worthy, why is the ID check not performed prior to road worthy. Why not save the pain of the new owner spending a further $1000+ on a car they have already forked out $$$$$ on, prior to the additional costs.
5. Come tomorrow ( will let you know the ID check outcome), I am granted ownership by the Authorities should the ID check be fine, what is with having to pay $3/$100 value of the vehcle in Stamp Duty. Stamp Duty was paid by the original owner (granted in another State), but isnt this just double dipping, like all stamp duties. which leads me too….
6. What is it with State by State vehicle registration laws. What dont we have a single Law, like other civilised countries such as Germany. I travel a lot, and the last time I travelled inter-State (Friday to purchase car from Sydney), I don’t remember the road conditions or signage, or road rules changed from one State boundary to the other that dramatically. I didn’t feel that bump crossing the boundary that my parents tried tricking me with as a kid.
If there was a consistent nation registration Regulator, then my annoyance at points 4 and 5 could/ would have been avoided. Further, as any Mechanic I speak with concurs with, all of Australia would have a nation annual inspection program like NSW still has, and issues such as the one with “ping springs” in my (post tomorrow) newly purchased car have less chance of occuring.