The ABC News Online has a story that the ACT Government are about to investigate a new land fill site to replace the Mugga Lane tip. John Hargreaves was interviewed this morning on ABC 666 and he let slip that there would be $850,000 allocated in the upcoming budget for the consultancy to investigate an alternative site. Another waste of local tax payers money used to tell the Government the obvious…. I’d be happy for the ACT Government to give me the lions share of the money set aside for this consultancy to tell them that they ought to take their rubbish up the road to the Veolia Woodlawn Bio-reactor near Tarago. The Bio-reactor is a dirty big hole in the ground that will take 50 years to fill and the site is used to generate electricity from the methane gas from rubbish decomposition. Whilst it is not in the ACT, it makes sense from a level of sustainability to make use of resources in the local region.
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