While we may have been critical of the way ACT Policing have media managed the tough issues in recent times I should say they’ve been pumping out a lot more media releases lately to edify the public. Now while I would like a statutory requirement of accountability it is nice to see and hear more about the triumphs.
Mostly unrelatedly, it’s worth noting this media release from last week.
A learner motorcycle rider from Fadden is facing more than $1600 in fines and automatic loss of licence after his motorcycle speed was checked at 165km/h in an 80km/h zone yesterday.
“This particular rider was caught on radar at 11.30pm on Ginninderra Drive, which is a completely irresponsible act,†Sergeant Knight said.
Now it would be a rare motorcycle learner who hasn’t nudged that sort of speed, just to see what it’s like you understand. With front facing speed cameras and no forward licence plate it’s nigh on impossible to get caught by non-police speed traps.
But there was an idea floating around the riding community that bikes might be a little small to get picked up by the radar, as opposed to lasers.
And now we know that isn’t the case.