We live in a city of fairness, compassion and respect. It also happens to be one of the most internet savvy cities in the world and I call upon all Canberrans to use their online voice today to remind the Egyptian Government that Australia will not accept the verdict or the sentence handed to Peter Greste.
The Egyptians believe that if they ignore us, we will go away. We won’t.
I’m so angry about this injustice and I trust you are too.
Canberra, it’s time to make a big noise.
There are a number of places to go to get the latest on the fight to free Peter.
Amnesty International’s online petition is already above 30,000. You can find it here.
I would urge you to go to Free Peter Greste on Facebook. Like their page and you’ll get all of the relevant updates in your feed.
Follow @PeterGreste on twitter and keep on hashtagging #freeAJstaff in anything you tweet.
You can email the Egyptian Embassy at Embassy.canberra@mfa.gov.eg ,but do keep it nice. Be forceful but polite.
Snail mail is always impressive too.
You can write to the Egyptian Embassy at 1 Darwin Avenue, Yarralumla
2600, Canberra.
We’re living in the lobbying capital of the nation, so get lobbying. Lobby loud, lobby often and don’t give up till Peter comes home.