Labor political staffer Meegan Fitzharris will represent the seat of Molonglo after winning the spot left by former chief minister Katy Gallagher in a countback.
Meegan, who was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia in 1998, has lived in Gungahlin with her partner and two children since 2007.
During that time, she has advocated for many developments in the region including the ACT Government office block and the Gungahlin cinema development. She is also a strong supporter of the Capital Metro light rail project.
Meegan was a Labor candidate in the 2012 election and became the chief of staff and senior adviser for Chief Minister Andrew Barr after failing to secure a seat. She has a strong background in strategic public policy with experience in various roles in the government and private sector.
Chief Minister Andrew Barr has welcomed Meegan to the assembly.
“Meegan is passionate about Gungahlin and will ensure that Canberra’s fastest growing community is represented in the Assembly,” he said in a statement released yesterday.
“[She] will be a valued member of the ACT Labor team in the Legislative Assembly, and will work hard to ensure the ACT Government continues to deliver services and infrastructure that the community needs in a fiscally responsible manner.”
Meegan has ruled out taking up a ministry immediately.