I moved to Canberra expecting boulevards, backyards and an easier, cheaper lifestyle, and I’ve found myself in the middle of a housing crisis. And it really is that – a crisis. Most of us simply can’t afford to buy here and so we’re trapped in the rental realm. With such a captive audience, most of the renters I know seem to have stories of exploitation. The media, meanwhile, isn’t exposing what’s going on. That’s why I’ve come here. I need your advice.
I have a horror landlord. He’s actually quite mad. So the lease and the Tenancy Act mean nothing to him. So what can us poor sods who rent (and pay properly and keep the house immaculately) do?
How do we bring about change or get our voices heard?
The problem seems to be that The Canberra Times is dependant on real estate advertising, the ABC’s audience must be comprised of home owners, the Tribunal doesn’t have an enforcement mechanism, and the union is trying to help but the lawyers there are swamped.
Friend after friend of mine has left because of it. What are other people’s experiences? Do you have any idea about what can be done? Should we write to the Minister? Should we rally in the streets? Or should we simply move away too?