Not wanting to be left out of the national media wave of “amphetamine madness” the Canberra Times has a piece of our Top Cop, Audrey Fagan, talking tough about the demon drugs.
“”We can’t underestimate the harm these drugs present to the community,” she said. “These are potent, illicit drugs and nothing about them is anything like the casualness the word party drug suggests. Amphetamine-type substances have been linked to violence, crime and are very damaging to individuals.”‘
Now let’s engage our brains for a second here, at the top of the article we’re told that police are seizing record quantities of the drugs, but that’s not having much of an effect on supply, or we wouldn’t need more warnings (also prices would rise). Yet we get constantly told the crime rate is falling. So despite a huge influx of these drugs which “potent, illicit drugs” which we’re assured are “linked to violence, crime” there’s actually no outcomes to point to here?
And let’s not forget we’re talking about a class of drugs, amphetamines, that are so “dangerous” they get given to Presidents, Prime Ministers, fighter pilots, and, er, hyperactive school children.
Oh yes, let’s have another moral panic please.
UPDATED: Thanks to DT for the heads-up, Bill Stefaniak is weighing in to the moral panic. He suggests an advertising campaign (because party drug users get their style tips from government advertising) to make it clear that ice is not cool.
He then goes on to talk about his ice addict friends:
“I have seen at close hand the horrifying effects of ‘ice’ on a couple of people I know.
This suggests Bill goes to better parties than I do which annoys me intensely.