I’ve got a lot of time for the RushHour kids. Most of them are OK, and the value of their charity cruises is often over looked.
But when it comes to their public advocacy, well they’re right up there with small business owners.
And so in a recent discussion on the impounding of a purple Commodore we got this gem (stars mine):
21:09, 12 Dec 10All you faggot old c*** on here should stop bitching about this and every other little thing that happens in canberra and get a f***ing life! I support rushhour because when you use LOGICAL thinking its the right thing to do. They go out in the middle of nowhere and every person that attends knows the risk involved! Get the f*** over youselves and grow up, so what someone did a burnout at a formal, I can almost guarentee that every person here has sone something stupid in their life. God forbid any of you lonely people ever did anything wrong and it made the local news, I’d be straight on here to give you shit and abuse you because of it just so you know how it feels. I’m going to end my rant on a high note, F*** ALL OF YOU!
Thank you for reading this and i hope to abuse you more in the future, FAGGOTS
Really winning the audience over there IBO. You are the Flame Of The Week.
BTW RushHour kids, something to think about, every time you go out to the middle of nowhere and get busted by the cops, well one of your own probably tipped them off.