5 December 2006

Waterpoint Lakeside development proposal for Belconnen

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The plans for the proposed 22-storey “Waterpoint Lakeside” development on the Belconnen Lakeshore are now available for review at ACTPLA.

For those who would rather not wade through dozens of PDFs, the Belconnen Community Council website has a screenshot of an artist’s 3D rendering and highlighted the most useful planning documents.

Comments on the development close on December 21.

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stonedwookie8:41 pm 30 Jul 09

wonder if this will ever get built ? still hasent been started on yet.

Wow, the design looks great. I especially like the 3D image.

Absent Diane2:29 pm 06 Dec 06

the disgrace is the location of some of melbourne high rises.. one over looking the ocean at williamstown… another on brunswick st.. it is complete chraos

Thumper was that government housing or private in Manchester?
Melbourne has nasty high rises for government housing which are filled with crime etc. I’ve always assumed the English flats are the same.

I think higher density is the way forward for our town centres. It’s the only way to create viable transport and retail hubs. Having people live where they work and play can only help create a more sustainable urban fabric. I think the design of the building looks great, and it would be a nice landmark for the area. 22 storey’s isnt really all that tall in the whole scheme of things, and how can having more people living in that area hurt? More people could use the bus system, and the nightlife should improve.

The location will be nice, but may be marginal in terms of attracting top value for both sales and rents. Turning the town centres into high rise jungles is not something I think our future generations will thank us for.

22 storeys is not like an office 22. They do not allow a space for A/C and stuff.

you’d think simon would have learnt from the parking disaster he made in civic.

22 storeys is too high! I read in the CT that the land is only zoned for 18, and they are short on the required carparking. Big bucks should not buy concessions on these sorts of things.

It would become Belconnen’s own Black Mountain tower πŸ™‚

But I live in belco and have nothing in principle against this sort of thing.

I think they should build it on top of Mt Rogers, then Belco would be much better than Woden.

That would sure piss off the Mt Rogers Local Stoner Brigade

What is the compelling reason for living in a high rise in Belcoonen? The same as for Wooden.

I certainly wouldn’t want to live in a wooden high rise, though I believe there are some in Asia πŸ™‚

Absent Diane11:45 am 05 Dec 06

yes it will be heaps better than sky plaza…

Pandy: as of this morning, there is still a large advertising billboard outside Sky Plaza, proclaiming something like:

Final opportunity, act fast!

Or somesuch hyberbole.

Heavs: though my comment was seemingly offensive, it was meant to illustrate the shock I still feel at how long that poor chinese student lay dead (6 months?) in the nearby Miramar (?) apartments.

Hey andy, are you saying that Skyplaza has a lot of units not for sale?

I think they should build it on top of Mt Rogers, then Belco would be much better than Woden.

Nice Sammy!!

Imagine how long a dead chinese student could go undiscovered on the upper floors of that place.

compelling reason for a high rise development in belco? Simple, UC doesnt have the residential space for all of the students it attracts. Thats before you add Reid CIT to the mix.

What is the compelling reason for living in a high rise in Belcoonen? The same as for Wooden. ie none. Even Civic has a hard time selling this considering even the most up market apartments in Civic are infiltrated with public housing tenants.

Heh.. i reckon they’ll have as much difficulty selling this, as they do selling Sky plaza

I might indulge in some hyperbole and suggest that it looks a thousand times better than Sty Plaza.

So long as they do not paint it purple

Looks great!

Better than that shit-heap housing-getto built on the cheap Skyplaza in Woden.

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