More than one-third of the 18 motorists caught drink driving last week were recidivist offenders, with one driver, a 34-year-old male caught by police drink driving for the tenth time, with a positive reading of 0.072.
Out of the 18 people apprehended, half were on 0.00 licenses.
The highest result recorded was by a 26-year-old man, who returned a positive result of 0.167. He has two previous convictions, and is subject to a zero blood alcohol limit.
Although the total number of positive tests appears to be decreasing, Superintendent Mark Colbran of Traffic Operations is disappointed that almost 40% of the drink drivers caught last week were re-offenders.
“It is frustrating for all police officers that people are prepared to continue this dangerous behaviour even after being charged for the same offence in the past,” Superintendent Colbran said.
“These drink drivers show such disregard for the law, and it is appalling that they are willing to not only risk their own lives, but the lives of their passengers and other road users.”
“The message is simple, if you don’t drink and drive, the risk of being involved in a serious or fatal collision is dramatically reduced. But if you do break the road rules, ACT Policing will catch you.”
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