19 December 2006

Car Accident in Palmerston

| ginag
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Does anyone know about the car accident in Palmerston last night on the corner of Kosciuszko and Tiptree?

A car was doing burnouts in the IGA carpark and came down to the roundabout then took out another at the roundabout. When taking off the car took out the light pole next to the houses that back onto Kosciuszko.

The light pole came down on the road and blocked the road.

It took 15 minutes for the police to respond to the 000 call (we called twice). So it was left to the residents of Palmerston to direct traffic at 12.15am in their PJ’s.

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VYBerlinaV8_now with_added_grunt8:26 am 21 Dec 06

How’s their kid doing?

Who has a midnight domestic anyway ?

Mael, there was a midnight domestic in Melba last night.

My junkie sister and bf were off their faces. Spent the night in the “tank” to boot. Blood everywhere.

“Who has a midnight domestic anyway ?”

I think most people would be surprised at how many occur late at night/early morning. Often this is caused by someone coming home drunk/high/angry and taking it out on their partner.

Always knew I’d make a craphouse copper…


still no word on the apprehension of the F#ktard?
I think all riotacters can be excused from jury duty (for this, and probably any othercase) on account of their obvious pre-formed opinions. Still, court hearings are only a poor tool of justice, one lacking in the the immediate gratification of alternatives, such as …lynchings.

VYBerlinaV8_now_with_added_grunt10:11 am 20 Dec 06

The cops will always respond to a domestic first, as well they should. Although someone might run over a downed lightpole, don’t forget they have a big steel, padded cage around them for protection.

I also support Nik’s comment that members of the public should step up to help out when an accident occurs. Let the police do what members of the public can’t, won’t or shouldn’t do (like breaking up a domestic).

Who has a midnight domestic anyway ?

Who came up with this hypothesis ?

youshould_knowthis9:13 am 20 Dec 06

Thanks vg

He might not be the only cop who likes to post here……

“Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขd like to hear vg on this. Imagine in the local copshop, two calls come in almost simultaneously: one is a รขโ‚ฌล“rolling pin domesticรขโ‚ฌย, the other a downed lightpole across a street at 12.15am.
Which case does the one-and-only copcar attend?
-Not saying youรขโ‚ฌโ„ขre wrong, just curious.”

I would have thought it was obvious. The domestic 1st

terubo, I would expect 15 minutes to Gungahlin a great response time for a minor car accident without any injuries. The guys who attended obviously didn’t finish their coffee before going.

It sounds like the residents of Palmerston had the issue well in hand and didn’t really need Police assistance. They should have called ACTEW direct.

Did anyone get a pic of the traffic direction in the PJ’s? good for a laugh.

er…I wuz assuming the pole was bent across the road a few feet off the ground.
Anyway, it’s the silly season so get into it, kid ๐Ÿ™‚

What’s with the continuous decapitation references?

Light pole lying across road – car hits it. Car has extensively rooted suspension and probably other undercarriage damage.

A driver obeying the speed limits and actually *paying attention* (I know, I know – we’re in the ACT) should be able to take evasive action like….applying the brakes.

As for the fuckwits driving dangerously (which you seem to think proves your ‘point’, whatever that might be): they make the _choice_ to get behind the wheel of a car and drive it in that fashion.

The spouse on the receiving end of the ‘rolling pin domestic’** does not, and at the time of the phone call is in serious danger.

And what did the original poster expect? The police to teleport themselves to the scene as soon as they hung up the phone?

** Could make a good band name.

NTP: neighbours?
bighead: that kinda proves my point, P-plate f**kwits abound at that time of night.

There was actually another one at 12:15 last night in Civic, Vernon Circuit behind the Canberra Theatre to be exact. I was just coming round the corner to see a car on the other side of the road and a light pole down.

The police took 10 mins, the passenger had a broken arm. Ambulance and fire came about 2 mins after the Police.

She thankfully calmed down and was taken to hospital.

Also to the little P plate fuckwit that shot around at about 80km/h and almost hit 2 people, Congratulations fucktard.

The poor girls stuffed the car, and I have a fairly good suspicion the driver was drinking.

Lets just say:
– domestic in progress = lights and sirens
– accident = road speed

Also, although sometimes it seems like you may never know it, everyone in a community is responsible to give assistance when needed. At the scene of an accident you’d like to think someone will step up and help out. In a private home where the children are hiding frightened under the bed and one spouse is beaten to a bloody pulp in the kitchen by the other, whose there to help?

Allright, I’ll leave it to a pro (like vg) to arbitrate… remember, in the scenario the two emergency calls come in pretty well simultaneously.

youshould_knowthis4:51 pm 19 Dec 06

Except that Police wont always know about every single potential danger to the hooning morons, but if they’ve been called about someone getting flogged….

Yes 5 heads rolling onto lawns in Palmerston would be terrible, but you have to stop the crime in prgress before you worry about the scene of a potential incident (in your hypothetical scenario…)

In principle, you are right el. But at that time of night there are always morons speeding around the place…could be a car-full of 5 teenagers for example.
In my hypothetical scenario (above), in the ‘domestic’ one person will have been injured by the time the cops get there anyway; whereas with the lightpole across the road several lives could be at risk. 5 decapitated heads turning up unannounced on the front gardens of Palmerstone would not be a good look.

I agree with Cameron. 15 minutes is a great response time for what really is a minor issue. If someone can’t manage to avoid a downed light pole in a 60 (or is it 50) km/h zone they should hand in their licence immediately.

I’d hope it would be the domestic – you can do a hell of a lot of damage with a rolling pin (hell, you can do a hell of a lot with your fists). And as has been noted, that’s a person being hurt right now – not the potential for someone who’s not paying attention to get hurt.

Out of interest, did they get the twit who managed to do all the damage, or did he get away?

I’d like to hear vg on this. Imagine in the local copshop, two calls come in almost simultaneously: one is a “rolling pin domestic”, the other a downed lightpole across a street at 12.15am.
Which case does the one-and-only copcar attend?
-Not saying you’re wrong, just curious.

I’m with vg. 15 minutes response time for that is fantastic.

I had a similar experience for an accident at the roundabout intersection of Erindale Dr and Sternberg. Some silly little girl had fanged it down Erindale Dr and lost control, wiping out a light pole when she got to the other side.

Was first on the scene and was calling 000 before I had my seat belt off (so fine me). I got the girl out, calmed her down, she was physically fine and obviously in a bit of shock.

Paramedics and a fire truck to take care of the light pole were there inside of 10 minutes – and I considered that to be a sensational response time – especially given the girl wasn’t critically injured, and the light pole was down across a road at 1am in the morning in a very very brightly lit (although slightly less than normal thanks to the girl) intersection.

As for people having to direct traffic around the pole… well, certainly commendable and what most members of the community would do in a time like that – help each other out.

I would much rather the emergency services take care of things like fire, medical emergencies, and you know… crime.

youshould_knowthis3:37 pm 19 Dec 06

Being battered with the rolling pin is more important than an accident that hasn’t happened yet, and may or may not happen.

Ask the girl (or guy) being flogged with the rolling pin if police attending to them is more important than a light pole falling down……

Agreed, Spectra, but remember this was at 12.15am apparently. More than a few drivers may not be quite so diligent at that time of night…
Well done on picking up that ladder, BTW.

terubo: My understanding was that you should always drive in such a way that you had time to stop if there was something unexpected ahead…say, a downed light pole. If you drive around assuming that such things will always be cleared up before you arrive, you won’t be on the road too long.
Such as the guy that was following me on the Parkway when a ladder had fallen off a truck across one lane – I stopped and got out to move it, but not before this guy had managed to collect it at full speed. Can’t have done wonders for his tyres.

My spouse battering me with a rolling pin probably isn’t as important as looking for a decapitated head rolling down the road.

The only problem appears to lie with the retard doing the Burnouts – was there ever a more public way of saying to everyone “I’m a totally moronic loser in life” than by doing Burnouts?

youshould_knowthis3:22 pm 19 Dec 06

Yes, but Police can’t always be everywhere to hold everyone’s hands…..

They may have been, at the time the lightpole fell down, stopping a spouse from floggin their partner etc. – in which case they need to prioritise scant resources.

They generally do they best they can with what they’ve got – so if you feel they were too slow, the problem may be lack of resources, poor rostering, busy night etc.

The problem isn’t normally tyhe actual officers on the shift.

Yeah, but imagine if some hapless motorist (Big Al, perhaps) had come tootling down the road and got decapitated by said downed lightpole…

The fact the road was blocked doesnt really justify an ’emergency’….which is what 000 is for. 15 mins is more than a fair response time for the type of incident described.

If the accident involved injuries, well thats a different story

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