What is it with all these clowns with modern cars fitted with fog lights that choose to drive with them on even when there is no fog? Rule 217 of the national road rules, link below, clearly states “The driver of a vehicle fitted with front fog lights or rear fog lights must not operate the fog light unless the driver is driving in fog or other hazardous weather conditions causing reduced visibility.”, so why do people use them?
Had a bit of a scare the other night on William Hovell Drive when I had a car coming towards me using their fog lights with no fog around. The passenger side light was out so could see 3 lights coming my way and being so dark and their lights so bright I couldn’t actually see their vehicle. With the passengers side out the drivers side fog light look all the world like there was a motor bike overtaking the other vehicle in my lane. So not good, almost gave me a heart attack. So one good reason why these things should not be used except in fog as stated in the rules.
As a test I turned the ones fitted to my car on the other night to see what they actually do with no fog around (of course their were no other cars around at the time). All I found was they lit up the road for about 5m in front of my car, so really pretty useless things to be using if there is no fog.
Would love to hear from one of these clowns that use them as to what they are hoping to achieve?