Last night the Greens’ Caroline Le Couteur announced she’s asking the government to budget a feasability study (so a million miles from actual action) for a “cycle highway” linking the new conurbation of Molonglo to civilised lands.
(On the basis that Greens get their sense of humour surgically removed on entry to the Legislative Assembly building we shall assume this is not in fact an April Fool)
“A ‘cycling highway’ is not like a normal, meandering bike path. It takes a fast, direct route with limited interruptions, to make cycling a very attractive commuting option,” said Caroline Le Couteur.
“This is the type of new planning and design that Canberra needs, and now is the time to integrate these routes into the structure and concept plans for the new Molonglo suburbs.”
“For the last 2 years the Greens have been arguing for a broad range of initiatives that will make the residential development in Molonglo more sustainable. Giving residents the best options to cycle commute to the City, Barton, and Russell is an important part of this story.”“We’ve proposed that Molonglo be designed so that households won’t need more than one car. A cycle highway, along with other changes, will let people easily cycle, and will also reduce the need for increased expenditure on roads.” “The Molonglo Valley is being marketed as a place close to the city where it is good to ride bikes. We now need to ensure that the right infrastructure is built to provide a rapid and safe route for cycle-commuters”.