The Rape Crisis Centre considers RiotACT’s young female readers to be scary.
We, in turn, find it a bit scary that the Sunday Times has discovered a crisis in the administration of the rape crisis centre.
“TEENAGE rape victims are being forced to wait months for professional counselling because of the growing number of sexual assaults in the ACT.
The Rape Crisis Centre’s five counsellors are overwhelmed by the number of young women seeking help.”
Just like that, without informing the Minister who funds them at any point, they’ve gone to the Canberra Times with this crisis which has seen young women left without counselling for months now?
And what is this human tsunami of rape victims?
“Statistics show up to six sexual assaults a week are reported to police”
Sooo… six cases a week are backlogging the five counsellors are they?
But wait, that quote was incomplete:
… and the Rape Crisis Centre has seen a 285 per cent increase in calls to its counselling service in the past five years
a) A little hard to see how this five year trend snuck up on them unawares.
b) Aggregate any growth rate over five years and you can come up with a scary sounding number.
It gets even better when the previously unheard of and totally new (not) phenomena of drink spiking gets blamed for the Rape Crisis Center’s administrative inability. To my knowledge the ACT awaits it’s first proven case of drink spiking (rather than getting pissed and wanting to blame something/one else) but when you’ve got your hand out for funding it helps to throw some bogeymen around.
UPDATED: The Register has some statistics on the very small number of “drink spikings” that are actually real.