Our Brave Leader has announced that after the recent rain the Murrumbidgee River is flowing so very well that the ACT can afford to start sucking excess water out of it for use in place of our own dwindling reserves having finally completed the infrastructure to do so.
Mr. Stanhope assures us that more details of the scheme can be found on the Actew website although on a casual glance I can’t seem to find it.
I’d certainly be interested to know how we’re compensating downstream users of the river for the 75 megalitres we’ll be drawing each day while the flows stay good.
In other bad news the catchment appears to be doing even worse than last year.
UPDATED: The Canberra Times is hysterical despite this plan having been on the table for years they’re screaming about recycled water:
“A heated debate has erupted in recent months over a proposal to put recycled sewage into Canberra’s water supply via a massive new treatment plant. Critics have said there are serious health risks associated with drinking recycled sewage.
But the ACT Government has snuck under the radar, pumping the controversial product into Canberra’s kitchens and bathrooms this week.”
I can’t say I’ve noticed any problem with my water.