Diamond Phoenix Dragon Boat Club for Women is looking for new members. Have some fun, try something new, improve your health and fitness, and make new friends.
All women 16 – 60+ are welcome!
Find out why dragon boating is one of the fastest growing team sports in the world and the fastest growing water sport in Australia.
9:45am Saturday, 10 September 2011
BBQ lunch provided at 12:00pm
Meet us at the Southern Cross Yacht Club (Yarralumla) on the grass.
Bring: water bottle, quick drying clothes, shoes that can get wet, a change of clothes and towel for after. All other equipment is provided.
If you can’t make it on Saturday, come along to any of our regular training sessions. We train 5:30pm – 7:30pm on Mondays, 6:00am – 7:15am on Thursdays, and 10:00am – 12:00pm on Saturdays. Look for the team in red and yellow.
Visit our website www.diamondphoenix.asn.au for more information.
Diamond Phoenix consists of women of all ages and fitness levels. The focus of the team is empowerment and friendship, while continually striving for improvement.