I saw this letter posted at the Southern Cross club one morning last week when enquiring about a 10 day trial (get in shape for summer and all of that).
I would have read it and gone on about my business if it wasn’t for these two sentences:
“… and possibly some other services to help secure the financial future of the Canberra Southern Cross Club”
“… contrary to what the scare mongers are reporting, the area will be far from a concrete jungle, and will retain much greenery and park areas”
Am I really expected to believe that this letter was legitimately written by “A Concerned Health Club Member”?
Call me a scare monger, but from what I am hearing after asking around, the ‘and possibly some other services’ isn’t as inconsequential as this letter would have you believe, can anyone shed some light on this?
As for the concrete jungle comment.. what health club member would really attempt to appease concerns about this in their letter to other health club members? is this specifically addressed because locals are still getting over the 20 storey mauve and mustard contribution to the cityscape?
This ‘letter’ was also professionally printed and combined with what appeared to be an internal TV campaign.
Can anyone give some further insight into this letter, what the real agenda is (other than re-electing the current board members), and what information the letter has left out that it probably shouldn’t have?